Funny I went to the dealer 1 week after I purcahsed the car to have them install a cargo net. Nothing else. They had the car 2 hours and they brought the car around. I said thank you and drove home. I looked and the Cargo net was still not installed. I went back to the dealer and said what did you guys do for 2 hours and who checks the techs work. They were mad at me because I was vocal. Looking for a new dealer. The cornerstone of a relationship is TRUST, I must trust them to do the work they are to do.
Amazing! If you have another dealer within a reasonable distance, I would switch immediately. I'm willing to bet they also put in for reimbursement for the free service they charged you for, and got a double dip.
They didn't reset Trip A or B while resetting the Maintenance Required message, didn't touch the tire air pressure while working on rotation them so I guess not. I guess you're talking about the same dealer, I wished I knew this to avoid using it for any service on my car. Do we need to create a new thread about "trusted" and "need to avoid" dealers for members' benefits?
You might still spend time waiting around, but doesn't hurt. Phone them and ask. Yes. You really owe it to yourself to find out for yourself. Get out the documentation and read. The actual work about an hour. Bingo. Debatable. I do my own. Obviously dealership maintenance trumps DIY in a warranty case. If you do your own, keep good records, and all receipts. Personally, I get all my oil and filters through the dealership, just enough for the current maintenace, and label and save the receipts. In the US, with the 10000 mile oil change, I'd say yes. But if it's gratis... Especially if you do the tire rotation yourself. Or just skip it. FWIW, in Canada the oil change interval is roughly 5000 miles.
I've done all the services from 5K-20K. They are free! I love that about Toyota. YMMV but my dealership takes about an hour since I get in early (0730ish). My 20K took 45 minutes. It's a pretty comprehensive multipoint inspection and you get a nice report showing tread depth, brake pads/shoes wear, etc. Plus fluid top-offs, tire pressure, rotation, etc. It's worth the wait for me just for the tire rotations alone in the winter. My dealership has a very nice waiting area with free wifi, coffee juice, etc. I also like the early appointments because I can walk around and check out all the showroom vehicles before the salesmen come in.
It took me 9 months to reach 5k. I acaually showed up at the dealer with 5400 miles, so I went past the 5k service. Through all this, they didn't charge me anything. From what I can tell, 2 years of regular service are included (I forget mileage limit...). It's odd that they charged you. I wonder if individual dealers can set policies like that.
With my Camry, I missed services all the time (My Fault, and I feel bad for missing the free services). The way my dealership explained it to me. Your given a certain number of visits. (20,000 / 5000 = 4) So you can come in 4 times. They didn't care about mileage, and the didn't care about timing, as long as it was under 20,000 miles, and before the 2 year mark.