Howdy all. I am a brand new owner of a 2012 Prius. Model or option 2? Which do I say? I bought mine Monday night. I have a co-worker with a 2007 and told me about the site. I am still trying to figure out the best way for me to maximize my MPG. I commute around 60 miles to work, traveling over a pretty steep mountain. I take the interstate in, going down the mountain, easy peasy. Going home, I've gotten sick of the folks who are afraid to go the speed limit, let along pass a semi going up, so I've been taking the state route over the mountain. Its steeper than I realized in my gas-guzzling SUV.
MrsHarm, Welcome to the Prius community. Our understanding of how to maximize MPG increases with use. But the best advice I've seen for new Prius owners is to just drive it while the car, and this forum, teaches us what it can do and what we can do.
That's what I was seeing. I've looked at most of the recent posts and will keep poking around the GenIII Fuel Economy.
Welcome aboard central VA. In the summer we may have some tips for you...check back for advice. Your EV battery is getting completely charged up going down the mountain, which is fine. But sometimes its best not to park in the heat every day with a fully charged battery. It would be better if you were down a couple of bars rather than full charge.
Cool, thanks. My parking space at work has been shady with the change of seasons Thus far, I've only seen my battery go down one notch. We're headed to my Dad's in southern West Virginia - crossing a bunch of steep mountains, and usually uphill to get there this weekend. Googling Prius and mountains really gives mixed results. I've seen some folks say that they depleted their battery. So I was glad to come here and see bonafide Prius owners and I haven't come across anything to make me decide to take my husband's car instead.
Even if the steep hill depleted your battery the engine would charge it back up. There is a noticeable drop in power but that won't stop you from going 75mph up the hill.
You should be fine. We go over the mountains to Pittsburgh all the time and sometimes West Virginny too. You will probably just get some less 3 to 4 MPG versus level driving. I do recall some really steep hills in deep south West Virginny but that was before our Prius so I cannot comment.
Congrats on the new car! Come on up to Arlington County on a weekend and see more Prii than Chevys on our roads up here packs of hungry Prii on the loose every day, slinkin' along, silently prowling for the rare open parking space...
I'm very familiar with your commute. I don't drive it every day like you, but I find taking the state route much more enjoyable with just a slight loss in mpg (1-1.5) vs. the interstate. I believe you purchased your 2012 at the same dealer that I used for our 2012. A much more enjoyable experience than when I bought the 2008 on this side of the mountain. Headed to the mountains of West by "G" Virginia? I can't tell you how many times we have made that trip in our 2008 with 2 adults, 1 teenager, 3 shelties and all our stuff. We've never used up the battery and always had enough power to make it up even the steepest ones at the speed limit. Not the quietest climb over the mountains, but it sure is quiet going down the other side. Will get to see how the 2012 does in a couple of days on the same trip with an extra teenager - could be interesting.
Trip went great. Getting to the fam is a mostly uphill drive and we got 39.8 mpg through those slush covered roads. I can't recall what mpg stats were for the drive home or round-trip, but I was very impressed. As for my daily commute, I got off work early one day last week and decided to take the interstate home. I'm getting better mpg (by 2) taking the state route. I'm guessing this is because I end up slowing down so much going up the mountain because of the other drivers who don't know how to pass a semi.
Congrats on the new car. Don't you just love it? I'm in NE TN and travel over the Appalachians monthly, so I know your type of commute. My advice, use the HSI screen, let off of the gas pedal when the mpg's go way low and press down easy on the gas pedal. Keep the bar as close to 50% as possible. In fact, anytime you see the HSI indicator showing low mpg's, just let off the pedal and press down easy. Its amazing how this car works. It takes time to figure it out, so many different ways to max out mpg's. The hard core drivers buy scangauge II's. I'm not there yet, still figuring out tire pressures. BTW 44 front, 42 rear psi helps mpg's. Holla!
That's been my goal Gator. Now I'm looking forward to better weather so I can snap a good photo. Salt covered roads and grey skies don't make for nice photos.