I have never done a poll before and wanted to give it a shot. I am divorced once and married twice. The poll answer is your CURRENT status. I had a real difficult time with my divorce, actually went to therapy. My psychologist said I was "the marrying kind" and predicted I would not get better until I re-married. Well, 16 months after my divorce I was re-married. I was one o the lucky ones...my second wife showed me ALL the mistakes I made in my first marriage. 10 yrs w/ first wife, will be 15 with second in July. The ONLY thing good about my first marriage was 3 grea kids. Oh, my 1st wife left me, said she didn't love me anymore. She has now separated from HER 2nd husband. A lot of guilt is shedding from me.
1st wife. Married 4 years this coming July. 1 daughter, 16 months old, gorgeous - you can see her in my profile - I'm biased, but I think she's cute as hell. I'm my wife's second husband, she was married for 8 years before meeting me. I like to think she "upgraded"
Karl: I'm sorry to hear that. It does tend to reinforce my misanthropic "marry over my cold dead body" outlook on life. True, being single can be a bit lonely at times, but I couldn't deal with all the bulls*** of a bad marriage either. If the antics of my co-workers are any indication, most marriages are "bad" in one way or another. No thanks, if I need companionship that badly I just go to the humane society and get another cat. jay
You omitted "living with S.O.", which leaves those people with the choice of "none of the above". Or maybe that was intentional. Also, "more than one divorce" may coincide with "married 3 times or more".
together for just over 6 years. married for 19 months on the 26th. working for many, many more. (because hope won't do you any good if you're not willing to work at it) he's brought a lot of stability into my life from day one, even though we sure didn't anticipate that it would be anything more than a short fling. and completely off topic- in the google ads it's showing a "spouse tracking system" for $295... :huh:
Married to my first wife (hopfully last). This May will be 12 yrs and we were High School sweet hearts. Been together for 16yrs. 2 Great Kids ~Shawn
Had a coworker whose favorite saying was...don't get married, just find a woman you hate and buy her a house :lol:
You are right, living with S.O. is not a marital status and I will not give it that moniker. Before you jump on me, I lived with both my wives prior to marriage, though I would never do that again. Marriage MEANS something in my book. Also, "more than one divorce" can be "married" or still divorced. I am looking for current status.
I'm married to a wonderful woman (1st) and it'll be our 20th anniversary this year. She's a techophobe and won't try to drive the Prius. The only control she's confident with is the volume control.
The more I read your posts, the more impressed I get. Hmmm, my daughter is 23 and her SO is.....uhhh...older. Are you SURE you're not my daughter? :lol: If anyone thinks they need one of those spouse tracking devices...it is ALREADY too late.
Wow, you started "going together" at age 17, and continued through college? That's unusual---and commendable.
My first wife & I divorced after 5 years of good-changed-to-bad relationship; she told me in the 'safety' of couples' therapy that she wanted a divorce, and a huge weight was lifted. I was one who thought the divorce statistic was for 'other people.' But boy was I glad to do it! My (now) wife was also divorced when we met, and it made our relationship a lot better. We joke about our 'starter marriages' but we're really both more tolerant of the little things and more appreciative of each other and the concommitant bigger things. Our 9th anniversary will be this coming Feb. 14th. Having both had 'big' weddings the first time, we eloped to Maine in a snowstorm on Valentine's day. (We did have to set it up in advance with the town clerk in Kennebunkport since Maine required a week advance notice for something.) But it's been great, and our son will be 4 in May and is a great joy to us.
Geez you're all newly-weds. I am married 29 years in July to my first and only husband. Yes, we married young. (now that I think about it I must have been 10) Three planned children, 24, 19, 10 (how's that for spacing them?).
Also a newlywed - married this past July. We've been together for 6 years, since I was 16 and he was 18. I'm kind of surprised that you wouldn't list living with S.O. separately - my husband and I got married solely for the taxes and the rights inherent to spouses - if there was a civil union system, we'd still be unmarried. I think living with a significant other in a committed long-term relationship is a completely valid choice. Perhaps not the choice for you, but a valid one nonetheless.
yup. best friends that ended up being a little more than we expected. i was 17, he just hit 22. i won him over on his 22nd birthday with a pork chop dinner, he insists to family and friends that i did indeed get to his heart through his stomach he moved across state to be with me in college and we've never looked back. and since i've really been in picture-sharing mode after our vacation... [attachmentid=1888]
Married for 5 years, together for 9 years. My kids are 6 & 7, you do the math...wish we had someone to tell us about birth control... :lol: if you don't get it, look at my signature. [attachmentid=1889]
While our kids were at our wedding, they still ask about our first marriage since we must have been married to each other before they were born...ah the innocence of youth.
49 years to my high school sweetheart. We have 3 kids, 4 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren and 2 cats. Everybody loves our Prius! :lol: :lol: :lol: