We orderd our Prius at McInerny Toyota here in Mt. Clemens on Sept 19th. When we orderd the salesman said it would "probably" be an 06 model with 06 pricing. They required $300 down. After thinking about it I called the salesman the next day and said I only wanted an 06. I liked the color choices and the Mp3 option. Also it let me have some say in the process. This is certainly a unique car buying experience. No bargaining, ordering that really isn't ordering. I get the feeling all dealers in our region must scramble to get whatever cars are made available to the region that might match a customers order preferences. We were originally told it would be 1 1/2 to 2 months. The first of October the salesman called and said if I wanted to wait for an 06 it would probably be December or January. With the tax credit in mind I told him I would wait for the 06. I'm glad to see some 06s are being received in US. Maybe ours will be here soon. I want it now but also would like the credit. I guess I'll let "nature" take it's course. We drove to Colorado to see my daughter and only saw one prius near Kansas City. After we arrived in her little town of Trinidad Co. we saw two prius' in 5 minutes time. They have a very active dealer in Raton, just across the border in NM. We talked to one owner who said he loved his Prius. He said that he was told by an "expert" that the Prius with all it's technology was underpriced by about $10,000. Steve
I also ordered in Sept 05, for Jan 06 delivery. A friend of my wife , said her sister & b-in-law in Michigan have 2 and just love their Priuses. I myself, even though ordered am still debating finalizing the purchase. The price of the 06 with Pkg 3 went up about $900 over the same Pkg 3 05. The extra cost, plus the fallig gas prices, makes my purchase less affordable. It's less affordable because 2/3 of my 36k annual miles are reimbursed company miles. So as prices decline, the 'gap' between my gas purchases and the reimbursement gets less, thus not as much into my account. My thoughts are now.... Where will gas prices go over the next few years?? I see a dealer in NJ has 11 Priuses (2005) on it's website as available. I emailed if they would be willing to hold one til Jan in turn for a non-refundable say $1000 deposit. I am waiting to hear back.
I called our salesman today to ask about our order. We haven't heard anything since we were offered the "tan" one. He told me he would check with his manager and call me back. We were never given an number or told we were waiting in line, so I wonder if that is something each dealer dreams up to allocate their allotments. Anyway he called back and told me our car should be her sometime between the 14th and 20th of January. Finally! I called our CU and found out I won't have to re-do the loan application, just fax them the revised price since when we ordered 2006 prices weren't available. My wife says I'll believe it when I see it, but now that I have an actual date range I getting excited. Reading all the posts here I've really gotten the bug to be driving my own Prius. I don't know if we'll name him or her or even what gender to go with. How about Scarlett or Serge? (I'm getting goofy now)
We took delivery today of our beautiful new Barcelona Red Prius. The salesman was great, no high pressure about the extended warrantee, the price was exactly what was shown on the web site. They did add floor mats on the west coast, but that's it for the extras. I let my wife drive first so I could play with the audio and displays. The first thing we did was drive down the street to the Radio Shack to get a cable for my iPod. That worked great, so did the CD with a bunch of mp3s on it. So far I am totally blown away. Finally, I'm a Prius owner. :lol: