Picture this - on the way home from a late night at work... and it is dark. Did the banking errands and was headed home on the expressway - one lane with two on ramps spread apart by a few miles. Don't I have to be near the one where a guy in a Chevy 300 or something like that races on the ramp at Mach 5, disregards the yield sign and cuts me off without stopping or looking. I wish I had that Freeway Blaster horn at that point... Good brakes and being alert kept me out of his way but had I continued at my same pace, he would have tore off my right front panel. Good thing the windows were closed and I was by myself as I let fly some very colorful language and let the idiot continue on his way... he was definitely distracted as he weaved a bit on the road ahead of me so who knows if he was texting, dialing, drinking or what have you. It is bad enough the deer jump out in the road for no good reason except to watch the look of horror on human faces as they stop and look back... I so think they go laugh with their buddies and have a tally board somewhere in the woods of the collisions that they cause. Not sure what Chevy guy thought - or if he was even thinking. Nice to be in one piece and that those brakes work well.
Be safe this holiday season... here are my holiday "momisms": Use designated drivers if you need to or keep a friend from driving under the influence... wear that seat belt, that text that beeps on the road can definitely wait, that phone call can definitely wait until you are safely stopped to take it and focus on it.... your loved ones need you and I need someone to read my random posts! Thanks, PC community!
I've noticed that some of these drivers seem to think they are "entitled" to the space you are driving in. I see people speeding down the on-ramps who think I am going to pull to the left to let them enter the highway, even when another car is occupying the lane to my left. They are self-important idiots.
I have seen so many people here who forget or don't care that they are supposed to merge with traffic, not traffic with them. Of course my personel favorites are the ones who race down an on ramp only to slam on the breaks right before merging or the ones who go putt putt and then at the last second try to jump infront.
Yup, one of my favorites is the person who cannot decide if and when to pull out in traffic until I am right there and they pull out in front of me or the person making a turn who turns wide to the right before turning left or vice-versa. Had to overcompensate for someone turning right who turned left into my lane before making their turn. Be vigilant, always aware and safe.... Hoping folks outside our community think before they turn the key (or press the button), step on the gas or step on the brake. Every moment we take is the potential to go too far and once it does, you cannot take it back. My humble "momism" for the day....
My brakes were/are "tight" and "responsive" - much better than my truck's brakes. The other benefit is being able to "turn on a dime and toss back nine cents change..."