It's HERE! After waiting since Feb 2nd. I rolled up to the dealership this morning, and was hoping just to have the serial number so I could get my paper work in order. My dealer (Mario) said it was here! WHOOOHOOOO! Unfortunetily, they don't have anyone to prep it, plus my banker was not in today to finish my paperwork and fork over the money for me to buy it. So I will be waiting until Monday. Here is my plan. Call my brother to tell him he will need to prep the car Monday Morning for me. I spoke with the writer at the dealership, since my brother just when to Prius school, he will be able to prep the car for me. He said it takes about 2 hours to do. I'm sure there is a lot of things to hook up. When I got into the car, there wasn't much that worked. SE/SS did not detect, Nav was not hooked up, radio did not play, etc. Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know. Monday morning, go to bank, get money. Get a ride to the dealer, give money Drive away in my new BLACK #9 Play with gadgets for the next few weeks.
It'd be a treat if you were able to watch while your brother does the prep work. I think it would be a great learning experience.
And if you could get some pictures of the process and post them, we'd all be that much more informed.
seeing your thread reminded me to call my dealer. i think mine should be here in about 2 weeks or so... (fingers crossed) congrats
That's a great idea. I see if I can dig up my camera. Not sure if I will get there in time for it, but you never know. I have a feeling it will be a LONG weekend.
The best part about it is I will be off work for another month due to my hip replacment. I am able to drive now, so I will have PLENTY of time to get use to the car.
I just hafta say this, all the non-black owners ignore me for a second - But Medved, isn't the black just beautiful? It's so crisp and I'm glad I ended up getting a black one. When she's clean, she shines like no other. ENJOY!!! -m.
rflagg, This moring, when I stopped at the dealer, its still was not prep'ed yet. It had the protective white film all over it, but it still looked great. I had the choice to take a silver or black. I discussed it with my Fiance' and we both thought we would liked the black better. I also have the ivory seats. I really think the ivory makes it very "classy". I also have a Black, 83 Toyota Supra in the garage, it is in pretty good condition. When clean, black is just awsome! I purchased it last year. My brother also has a black 85 Supra, and we discussed racing them at a local club. It is called "SOLO" racing. Only one car on the track at a time, and you race for time. My fiance's isn't too keen on the idea of me racing, but she is a good sport. I think after she see what it is, she will be a bit more supportive if I decided to race. My biggest delima now is "who" (83 or 04) gets the garage for a year. I only have a one car garage, which is presently keeping the 83 out of the elements. I say only one year, because that is when I will get married, actually in April, so it isn't even a full year. At least during the winters here in Cleveland, my better half will get the garage. Still looking forward to Monday! Everything should be in order by noon! and I should be rolling off by lunch time. Can't wait! To end on a bitter/sweet note, I found a buyer for my trusty 4Runner. Actually one of the mechanics my brother works with. It will be soarly missed, many wonderful memories in my SUV. I am looking forward to the many NEW memories in my P '4
My Long wait is over! In a few hours, I will be on my way to the bank then the dealership. Nearly 4 month wait, but I am sure it will be worth it. Nirvana awaits me! . . . AHHHHAAA