Historically this has been selling for $159.95 on Amazon. The image below shows the historical pricing of the Scanguage. You can see from the chart that the price does not stay low for very long. The Amazon link is: Link to Scanguage
Scangauge is 1980’s technology. The newer OBDII WiFi and BT units with an iPhone Android devices are cheaper and way better. In 2013 would you rather be sporting this or this The Android pic is using Torque and showing electric motor1 and motor2 speed and temp. The options are endless with a full display.
Even though I have a bt obdII device and android phone with torque pro, I still purchased a scangauge a few months ago. I prefer having it always up without having to mount my phone into a clip.
You can pick up an extra Android Phone on craigslist for $25 to $50 that you can leave up all the time. It might be 1-2 years old but it works perfect for this. Sure beats dropping $124.99 on 1980 technology.