Narrowed it down to Prius C, Accent, or Focus - Help me choose!

Discussion in 'Prius c Main Forum' started by Farfle, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Farfle

    Farfle Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    So I test drove all three today after getting excellent internet quotes. The Toyota guys quoted me a Prius C2 @ 18,600, which seems like a great deal. I was pretty much all set to get that before I set out today, but I thought I'd still give the others a go just in case.

    First up was the Accent, and let me tell you, it's absolutely great! It's a small car, like I want, but inside it seemed quite spacious, as well as a large trunk area. It handled and drove very smooth, and of the 3 cars I rank it the best in this area. It gets 28/37 mpg.

    The Focus was next. I had never seriously considered this, as I THOUGHT I was going to test drive a Fiesta, only to find out the quote was for a Focus (one tier higher, equiv to Corolla/Civic). At 26/36 mpg, its a bit worse than the Accent. This deal seems the best, with coming equipped with most everything I care about (cruise, power windows, locks, keyless entry). Only problem is it does have M/T, when I'd prefer A/T. Overall, it drove 2nd best of the 3, which was still very nice. Oddly, the driver area felt more cramped than the Accent, despite it being a bigger car.

    The Prius C2 was last, and immediately noticed how much smaller it was compared to the Accent on the outside. On the inside, though, it didn't feel cramped, and my 5'9" dad had plenty of leg room sitting behind me in the backseat. Regarding the interior, it definitely seemed cheaper and the overall quality felt surprisingly lacking compared to the other two (the Focus took the cake in this category, by virtue of it just being a tier higher than the other 2 vehs, and thus having more amenities). But i'm not overly concerned with seemingly superficial stuff like that, as long as the vehicle has the core features I need, like those listed above.

    I ranked it 3rd among the three in driving quality, with NOTICEABLY worse acceleration than the other two. I had to absolutely floor it to get up to Freeway speeds on a fairly average length entrance ramp, whereas the Accent had no problems with this at all. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue for me, as i'd be granny driving either of these cars for best MPG; however, in an emergency, I find the Prius C's lack of acceleration potentially concerning.

    With that one exception, however, not a lot separated the three in just pure driving quality. all were excellent. Also, the Prius C cabin noise didn't seem all that much louder than the other two vehs on the freeway either, and honestly I probably wouldn't have noticed it had I not made a mental note to listen for it ahead of time.

    So, i'm in a quandary. My dream would be to have a hybrid Accent, but since that ain't happening, I need to choose between one of these three!

    2012 Prius C2: automatic, cruise, power windows, power locks, remote entry, 53/46mpg
    - Out the door price: $17,800 (after $1000 military rebate)

    2013 Accent GS (5dr HB): automatic, cruise, power windows, power locks, remote entry, 28/37mpg, 5yr/10yr warranty
    - Out the door price: $15,500

    2012 Focus SE (4dr Sedan): MANUAL, cruise, power windows, power locks, remote entry
    - Out the door price: $14,300

    Obviously the best deal in terms of MSRP knockdown is the Focus, especially considering it's a tier higher than either the Accent or Prius C, but it has A.) slightly worse mpg, B.) manual tranny, and C.) sedan. The Accent is my favorite to drive, most spacious, and feels the best. I could EASILY live with the Prius C, and in fact would be completely happy driving it too, but I can't help but feel the "only" thing it has going for it over these other two is the Hybrid drive and its stellar mpg. Is that enough though? Is that alone worth the $2300 over the Accent, or the $3500 over the Focus? My heart tells me no, but then again it's hard to pass up a new hybrid at this price..argh!
  2. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    I haven't read your post in detail, but looking at mileage figures, 30 or 31 mpg combined is not "slightly worse mpg" than 50 mpg. See Compare Side-by-Side. 50 mpg is over 60% better than 30 mpg.

    I would NOT buy a Focus due to its poor reliability rating in Consumer Reports. Both sedan and hatchback were rated much worse than average. Sedan had predicted reliability of 62% below average while hatchback was 169% below average.

    The Prius c was the most reliable vehicle out of all vehicles in CR per Consumer Reports says Prius C most reliable 2012 vehicle (I checked and it's 92% above average).

    Hyundai Accent was rated average in reliability. They consider 3% below average to be close enough to average.
    F8L likes this.
  3. Farfle

    Farfle Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Sorry, I was comparing the Ford Focus/Hyundai Accent mpg figures, in which they're both similar.

    Also, I just realized I test drove the 2012 model of the Focus, not the 2013. It's still a good deal @ $14,300 out the door, but now maybe not significantly more.
  4. Jaquimo

    Jaquimo Paraglider, Prius glider...

    Jan 22, 2011
    Bloemfontein, South Africa
    2009 Prius
    F8L likes this.
  5. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Keep in mind that cost of ownership goes beyond just fueling costs and the upfront cost. Take a look at these. I'm not 100% sure I picked the right trims though. I leave it to you to find the right ones if I picked wrong.

    2012 Hyundai Accent GS 4Dr Hatchback Automatic | New Hyundai Accent GS 4Dr Hatchback (Auto) 2012 Research at
    2012 Ford Focus SE 4Dr Sedan | New Ford Focus SE 4Dr Sedan 2012 Research at
    2012 Toyota Prius c Two 4Dr Hatchback | New Toyota Prius c Two 4Dr Hatchback 2012 Research at
    2013 Hyundai Accent GS 4Dr Hatchback Automatic | New Hyundai Accent GS 4Dr Hatchback (Auto) 2013 Research at

    For me, I'd totally rule out the Focus. I avoid cars w/worse than average reliability. Much worse than average is very bad.
    Jaquimo likes this.
  6. Farfle

    Farfle Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Thanks for the replies, esp the critiques on the Focus! I think i'm going to try and haggle the Accent price down to around $15k. If they budge, then i'll go with it rather than the PriusC. For as much as I want it, I can't look past its inferior qualities next to the Accent. Also, I honestly don't see myself doing a terribly lot of city driving, where this would shine. Also (and I suppose most important) I just enjoyed driving Accent a tiny bit more.

    Unless I can haggle the price down on the Prius as well, but I don't see that happening as I think $18,6 is already near rock bottom for the C2 version from what I've seen, unless the 2013 models considerably drive down the 2012 model's price..

    Also, finally, if I did go with the Prius, i'd have to wait 30 days for it to be delivered, as the one they quoted is awaiting delivery. If this is true, and the 2013 models come out before my 2012 arrives, am I already fully committed to buying it? Could I get out of it somehow in hopes of perhaps renogitating a lower price based on it being a previous year model? I don't know the way auto lay-aways work at dealerships. Any info would be apprecaited!
  7. PriusCinBlack

    PriusCinBlack Member

    Apr 5, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Farfle, the truth is that the lower cost of the lesser-priced Accent and Focus are illusions, as the links cwerdna supplied showed. The Prius C has a $5K+ lower cost of ownership than the Focus over the first five years, and a $3,700 lower cost of ownership than the Accent. In the end, you spend the same amount of money (less, actually) over that period of time if you buy a C rather than one of the other two, given the smaller price differences in quotes you got. You also put less pollution into the air and contribute to lower gas prices.

    But the truth is also that, to enjoy driving this car, you have to be mpg-minded to begin with. Though it is more than enough for me, this car is not a well-rounded, ultra-comfy plush-wagon. This car, when it comes down to it, does one thing- it gets incredible mpg getting you from here to there, especially if you drive it to get that mpg. And, over five years, you need to be driving something you like driving, not try to force yourself into something that you don't connect with. The C is the most economical of the three cars you're looking at, but it's not enough to keep you from buying what you feel the best about.
    F8L and dmaxwellh like this.
  8. Farfle

    Farfle Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Alright, you guys convinced me to buy the Prius. So I showed up at the lot with cash in hand only to find out the Two version I wanted was in summer rain. I wasn't overly excited about that, to be honest, despite my thinking those superficialities were beyond me! Then he offered the Three version, in a good color, for $700 more. I'm on the fence about which to get. Seems the extra $700 for the Three only buys me like the Push buttn start (navigation is near worthless with every smartphone offering that nowadays) and a more tolerable color. I'm thinking it's a good deal but just wanted to run it by the knowledge base here, in case I'm missing spmething
  9. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Smart key system rocks! (See
    ) I have SKS on my 06 and love it.

    As for "navigation is near worthless with every smartphone offering that nowadays". When I had an Android phone, (alongside my iPhone at the time) when Google Navigation was in its early stages, guess how many times I used it compared to Garmin PNDs (for former my car w/o nav) or my Prius' nav system? 0 I tested it out maybe once or twice.

    Now that I finally have turn-by-turn directions w/voice prompts on my iPhone 5, how many times have I used it over my Prius' nav? Almost none. This is despite my using the original map DVD that was completed sometime in 05. I had the Mapquest iPhone app that gave turn by turn directions w/voice prompts for awhile and I never used it either except to test it once.

    There's something to be said about having a larger screen in a decent position and it being always available. No need to worry about mounting your phone, looking to a bad position, running down its battery, integration w/the stereo, etc.

    If I have to go somewhere in a car w/o nav, what do I prefer? My Garmin PNDs w/friction mount (looks like Garmin Portable Auto Friction Mount for Select Garmin GPS Receivers 010-10908-00 - Best Buy).

    How about a dealer trade for a model Two, if you really don't want to pay extra?
    winnertakesteve likes this.
  10. winnertakesteve

    Aug 21, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    I feel weirdly hesitant to really push you towards the c. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my c and I knew from the get go it was the car for me. But that's the exact reason I would feel bad trying to dissuade you from the accent. I'll leave it to more knowledgeable people to provide more empirical reasons for going one way or another, but for me, what has made my vehicle so enjoyable is the confidence in knowing I got the vehicle that appealed most to me :)

    That said, if you have settled on the c, I can say the highway acceleration was my only concern when considering it as well. But in practice I've never felt unsafe in attempting to merge, you just don't feel particularly badass is all ;)

    more realistically, the c "trains" you to have different goals anyway. You end up less worried about not having enough power, and more worried about how it'll affect your mpg! "If only I could coast everywhere!"
 likes this.
  11. mdgates

    mdgates Junior Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Buffalo, NY
    2012 Prius c
    The following may be too late to inform your decision, but anyway:

    Assuming $4/gal, 12000mi/yr, and based on the EPA ratings, the C will save you $540/yr vs the Focus, or $450/yr vs the Accent. This is enough to pay for the price disparity in five years. But a five year old car with great fuel economy has a much higher residual value than a five year old car with good fuel economy. I'll bet the C has the lowest total cost of ownership than the others.

    As for which C to get, I'd say you should make a list of acceptable colors (my "list" was only Classic Silver), and tell the dealer you'll wait for a C2 in the color you want. Dealers squirm when you say you'll wait!
  12. Farfle

    Farfle Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    Wow, such awesome responses here, I feel proud to be joining the community :). I had first thought the Three was grossly overpriced and rather pointless, but the smart key system is pretty nifty when I consider I don't have to fumble around for keys to unlock the vehicle.

    Also the point about the navigation system being more convenient is absolutely true, and prior to this I was trying to figure out a way to mount my iPad. While I certainly dont think those two options alone warrant the $1500 MSRP difference between the Two, $700 seems like a no brainer now, especially with the color issue (which strangely enough kind, summer rain kind of grew on me after seeing it on other cars. This is an example of how indecisive I am. Now I wish the Three was summer rain, haha).

    Regarding my choice to go with the Prius, it ended up the lower cost of ownership and the way the hybrid will change my driving habits. I felt I'd have more fun in this car, despite ultimately perhaps giving up an overall nicer, yet "vanilla" ride quality that the Accent and Focus would give. So to any that's on the fence about buying those two cars, I'd highly recommend them if the deal is right! All three vehicles were bliss, and goes a long way in proving just how far the "cheap" segment has come.
    JMD and cooperator like this.
  13. PriusCinBlack

    PriusCinBlack Member

    Apr 5, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    That's great, Farfle! This car will not disappoint for efficiency- like I've said elsewhere, I've had a hard time finding something that gives better fuel economy, in my situation, as an "upgrade," even for thousands of dollars more. Just make sure you're prepared to be dreaming about maximizing your mpg for awhile! If that's you, and you study up here on how to get the most out of the car, you're going to be very happy with it.
  14. Klaatu

    Klaatu Junior Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    New Jersey
    2012 Prius c
    I narrowed down my choice of cars to the same three candidates. Ruled out the Accent since the local dealer had none ins stock and no idea when he would receive another in my stripped down configuration. Now the Ford Focus, the dealer had one on the lot that matched my requirements but when I went to test drive the car it would not start. I noticed that with the key off the gas guage needles were flipping up and down, this may explain the dead battery.

    So now I drive a Prius C model 2 and I am happy as a clam.
  15. vtx1800r

    vtx1800r New Member

    Oct 28, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    I have to admit I've gotten lazy with the smart key. I reprogrammed it to unlock all doors when I touch the drivers side door so it is easy access for me and a passenger. I think the funniest thing is having to find my keys when I am pulling up into my drive. I need my keys to get access to the small remote I have for the gate. I always seem to forget that until I am in front of it.

    I love having packages in my hand and just opening the hatch. I love just grabing the door handle and opening the door.

    The Navigation I was somewhat disapointed with until I took the time to actually learn it a bit. Once I got the learning curve out of the way it is functional and will get you where you are going with no muss, no fuss function. I do like the ability of etunes. Having all of the functions on a larger screen then my Iphone is a plus when you are driving.

    The only compliant I have with the nav is that the screen goes to dark when the lights are on for rain. Nothing turning a wheel can't fix, but kinda a pain having to do it. Then again, if that is my biggest complaint, I think it was worth the money for a 3.
  16. PruisAz

    PruisAz Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Mesa, Az
    2012 Prius
    The Hybrid Premium.... Without looking at your car-car comparisions, the extra cost of the Prius to comparably sized autos is the price you need to consider if you want to get into a higher mileage automobile. In 2005, I selected a cheaper Toyota Matrix(18k) over comparibly sized Toyota Prius Gen II(23-24k) due to the cheaper costs. The name of the game back then with a Hybrid purchase was that you would need about five years to 'break even' with this added premium . Looking back now and considering the rising costs of gas year/year, YES, I should of purchased the Prius instead. The Matrix was a fine car and its mileage @30MPG, but gas back then was only peaking at $3/gallon. The Gen III and Prius C's these days are getting even better mileage than the Gen II's I had previously considered. Plus their sharper looking. Please also consider we are only a natural disaster or middle east war away from cracking the $4/gallon one of these days.
  17. photogrl13

    photogrl13 Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Columbus, Ohio
    2012 Prius c
    You said you prefer stick. Not having stick isn't something I think about anymore. I came from a stick, prefer stick, but don't drive one. There is enough readouts and gadgetry to keep you busy enough. I find myself unexpectedly not missing it at all. I just keep my eye on the eco score and aim for A's. (y)
  18. Azul_r

    Azul_r New Member

    Dec 11, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    A minor point on the Focus. I believe that most of the unreliability of the current Focus is down to the new technology of its automatic gearbox, and a manual version should be free of those problems. That wouldn't make a Focus the obvious winner of the three car comparison, just not the obvious loser.
  19. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Unfortunately, CR doesn't break it about by manual or "automatic". But "transmission minor" got a horrible rating and is likely the automatic. Audio system also got a horrible rating but it wouldn't surprise me if that's due to MyFord Touch. Squeaks and rattles and body hardware weren't terrible but are a bit below what I'd expect a new car to have.
  20. CAlbertson

    CAlbertson Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    2012 Prius c
    I looked at about the same cars. Here is how to decide:
    If you intend to keep the car for a long time, say 5 to 8 years and if you do a lot of driving (like 24,000 miles per year) then the Prius-C is a hands down no-brainer win. It will use a LOT less gas, over $2,000 per year less (assuming gas stays at current prices for 8 years) Also the Prius C will require a LOT less maintenance and likely last well over 250,000 miles. You will save $16,000 in gas over the 8 year life of the car.

    But if most of your dringing is very short trips, like 2 miles and you only put 6,000 miles on the car per year and you like to always have a newer car then the Prius is NOT cost effective. Kind of a waste of money really.

    But likely you fall between these to extremes. So it is not so simple. Still, figure out how long you will keep the car, how many miles you will drive in those years and the cost of the gas for those miles. Add the fuel cost o the purchase price OF THE BASE TRIM LEVEL model car (the C1) now add in the expected maintenance cost. Now subtract the re-sale or trade in price of the car. This is the TOTAL cost to own the car.

    If you do the above the Prius starts to look good if you drive many miles and keep it for a long time. Thier resale price is very good. Also the MPG is better then the estimate for the Prius C but use only 50 to be conservative.

    Use the BASE trim level for comparison. Anything above that is NEVER cost justified and is simply a toy. Leather seats are not going to help your MPG or really even the resale value very much but are a "toy" you buy just because you like them. Same for GPS.

    Bottom line, cheap gas engine cars like the Fiesta are the best deal in some cases and the Prius C will be the best deal inother cases.

    Or,... Forget all the above and buy the one you like best. Buy a Hummer if you like it. I actually like the Prius. I'm an engineer by training and think the technology is cool.
    Jaquimo likes this.