1)this last commute she tried mixing modes - ev on surface roads and hv on interstate. 2)not sure - it was definitely used up by end of round trip. 3)reading summary screen when car turned off. Gary iPad ? HD
thanks. keep in mind that the summary screen resets itself every time you turn the car on, so you/she either read it when at destination or when home. but it's two completely different trips using different amounts of ev in different places. the only way to read average mpg for total battery usage is to reset trip a or b and read the average at the end of the whole trip assuming ev is completely drained by then.
the helpful part of using a trip meter is that it starts a 999 average mpg and you can watch it drop and climb as you're driving.
All your mileages seem to be right except for the EV, that's way out of line. No matter how many hills I drive up and down, stop and go, I still always show 100 MPG e. What will happen, if your terrain isn't flat is you'll use more battery charge, and your EV driving distance will go down, but not your MPG e. This is where you’re losing your PIP mileage edge. Are you staying in true EV mode, or are you going into the power zone and starting the ICE? Once that happens the engine will stay on for good 5 minutes or more until it reaches temperature. This will kill mileage on short trips, and then your using the car in its least efficient mode. If this is happening, you’ll see your EV icon change from a solid to an outline.
I'm in NJ and each day I drive 13 ml. Both direction to my work on HV mode and my MPG are 41 to max 50 is this good MPG ? I live in apartment and I don't have big chance to charge my EV battery only once a week.Right now my PIP has 2600 ml do you think after 5000 will be better and what's this break after 9000 ml.? THANK YOU
T Thank you,when I driving more 20 ml. The MPG are around 55-60 and them I'm happy.I hope in summer to be better but will see ,now I dealing whit my AC button I can't start the AC whit my key fob when I press the button after few seconds its turn off it self.I have enture apps on my iPhone but the apps don't have option for AC.
One thing to keep in mind is that the Lithium battery pack is a substantial dense mass. When it gets cold soaked overnight it may still be much colder than the outside ambiant 42F or the cabin temperature inside the car. Freezing cold batteries are less able to charge or discharge at high power. Batteries charged overnight in winter or when they are very cold may not be able to charge as full as usual. In the PiP you only see this indirectly (reduced EV range, ICE startup) but in the Nissan LEAF the driver display graphically indicates power regen restrictions when the battery is very cold.
6 pages already and no answer. I'm going to state what I've already stated. Fact 1: His EV ratio is 10% over 2.5 months. Indicating less than 20 full charges. Fact 2: He's getting comparable fuel economy to a regular Prius. Consider Occam's Razor Occam's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Is it more likely he and his wife are driving like mad stomping the gas and using every power accessory in sub zero winter temperature? Or is it more likely his car is not getting enough charge? And before you answer, reflect on Fact 1 again.
Actually he did mention that they couldn't charge the first three weeks. So a display reset is definitely in order. I suspect what's happening is the wife hits the power zone before she gets on the freeway. I also think he should reset one of the trip meters and get back to us with the displayed mpgs as the day progresses.
2.5 months - 3 weeks = 7 weeks = 35 workdays. He should have 35 days x 3 kwh full charge = 105 kwh. He's at less than half right now. Look at John's commute videos. Driving EV mode with ICE on still nets >100 mpg.
I'm going to reset the EV display tonight, and I'll report back on Wednesday after one full day's driving with the reset. Gary
Fact 1 is indeed a fact, for reasons that I explained earlier. Fact 2 I do not believe is a fact. The overall mpg I've been reporting is comparable to a regular Prius, but includes some not-insignificant miles in EV mode using no gas.
just as a frame of reference, i went 32 miles in rain and 36 degrees today starting with a full charge and using the heat, got 80 mpg.
I also live in NJ. I think since your using your PIP like a regular Prius your mileage is good for the colder weather were having now. I charge my battery and go in EV mode so I'm seeing 100 +MPG e. If I run out of battery and it shifts into HV mode, I'm seeing 70 MPG or better depending the distance traveled.
i've noticed you make this mistake before, so i'm just going to point it out now – MPGe does not mean "mpg including EV driving". It means miles-per-gallon equivalent and assumes that a gallon of gasoline "contains" 33.7 kWh. The MPG number shown in the PiP is always JUST the MPG number – it never factors in the energy used in EV mode. You have to do that calculation yourself. To make this clear with numbers, the EPA test yields a 95 MPGe for the PiP. The EPA test is 11 miles long and consumed 0.2 gallons/100 miles on the test (so 0.022 gal). At the end of that test, the PiP would show 500 MPG. It is this latter number that you see on the MID.
Actually the mornings are cold 28F to 32F and I driving on ECO MODE whit heat on max temp. And seat heat on Hi and now the display show me 38MPG . F8L sad that's normal and I think the same ,hope in summer to be better.