So what is this that I'm hearing about no roadside assistance for the 2006 Prius? I got a pamplet from the dealer I bought from that says I have roadside assistance. The pamphlet has 2006 Pocket Refernce Guide on the cover. So I best get it or Toyota will have a fight on their hands. IF they choose NOT to offer it anymore than I shouldn't have been given this pamphlet! I guess I need to confirm this now before I ever need to use it. I don't want to be broke down only to call and be told I don't have it. I guess I should just call back to the dealership I bought from the verify I have it? Tracy
Page 29 of the 2006 pocket reference guide says the following: 24-Hour Roadside Assistance Complimentary Roadside Assistance for 3 years/36,000 miles. Ask your dealer for details. Prius 24-Hour Roadside Assistance includes: Towing for mechanical breakdown and jump start 12V battery only Toll-free number, 24-hours, 7 days a week Lockout protection Flat tire changes Fluid delivery Road hazard Concierge service Mechanical first aid Toyota Prius Roadside Assistance 1-877-304-6495
I just called that 877 # from page 29 and she is saying she just got an e-mail that roadside assistance isn't available for the 2006 Prius. I guess I will need to take this further because that's not what I have been told and the info I was given says I do have it. I guess if I have to I will go talk to my laywer about this. Even the person at roadside assistance says that it should be offered if it's in my pamphlet!
My understanding was that they were discontinuing the free roadside assistance program for the 2006 model. HOWEVER, if there are a lot of dealers handing out pamphlets telling you that you get free roadside assistance, what are their obligations to provide it? Probably there's no legal obligation, but one has to think that it's bad PR to give someone something telling about a free service and then say, "You know . . . it turns out we were just kidding!" Sounds like someone needs to get a conference call going between Toyota Corporate and one of these dealers handing out the "Free Roadside Assistance" pamphlets. . .
So, tracysbeans, did the salesperson market this to you as a "feature" of the car (i.e. when you were buying the car, did they tout this as something that was included)? If so, I think they have more of an obligation to provide it for you. If it was just a piece of paper included with the bulk of other paperwork that you got, then they may have a way out. . .
I wasn't given this "pocket reference guide" with my 2006 and therefore have no roadside assistance literature.
I talked about it with the sales person. He said I had it. I just got off the phone with the new car sales manager and he said I should get it since I was offered it AND it's in my pamphlet! He is going to talk to his manager and get back to me. They said if they have to get me AAA that they will do so and pay for it. Right now he wants me to fax him the cover of the pamphlet and the page showing I get roadside assistance! I'm a single woman so having roadside assistance is VERY important to me in case something happens!
I believe I recollect that in '05 the warranty (or roadside service) included a free tow to the nearest Toyota dealer. If that is gone, it's a big loss. Basic AAA provides only 5 miles of tow service. After that you pay the expensive rate of AAAs' contracted tow service. I needed a 60 mile tow and was looking at about $260. I told AAA forget it, and found a slightly cheaper service. C
But AAA has different packages you can get with them. Not sure what they are called but the best one will only go to 100 miles I think. I was checking it out a bit when I was having trouble with my POS car before I got my Prius. I was worried about traveling with it to Milwaukee and getting stranded. I decided not to get it because it wouldn't be effective immediatly and I was trying to set it up a day before I wanted to go to Milwaukee. I will make sure if my dealers does get me AAA that he gets me the package that gives me up to 100 miles. Maybe it's not even 100 miles. Now I can't remember. I was frustrated when I called AAA because I spent over 15 minutes just getting transfered around the place trying to get a person who could answer my questions
Brayder, It would have been a teal/white booklet on a string, hanging from the shift lever (or maybe wiper lever). /Jim
The extended warranty covers "unlimited towing to the nearest Toyota Dealership"... but it does not cover roadside assistance such as flat tires, fuel, lockout, etc. /Jim
Tracy, If they decide that you aren't getting the Toyota Roadside Assistance, then make sure that what the dealer gets for you is AAA Plus. It covers towing up to 100 miles. It also has other benefits that are a higher level than, or not even included with, the basic membership level. Let us know how things go with this, as I'd imagine plenty of other 2006 buyers were mistakenly told they would have the roadside assistance. Lisa
So basically if your car just ups and quite and won't start the extended warranty would cover getting it to the nearest Toyota. And that coverage starts from the day you buy the extended warranty for the 7 years? I do plan on buying an extended warranty so this will be good info for me to know as well. PS I don't plan to run out of fuel or lock myself out of my car. The only thing that you mentioned would be a flat tire which I'm suprised they wouldn't cover :huh:
Lisa, Oh yeah it's called AAA Plus. I couldn't remember the name of it. My dealership manager promised he would take care of me one way or another on this. He said he was off tomorrow but would get together with his manager and call me back on Saturday to tell me what they could do for me. I already faxed him over the brochere cover showing it says 2006 on it and page 29 showing the roadside assistance. If they don't want to offer roadside assitance for the 2006 then they should stop handing out the pamphlets and stop telling people it's available for their 2006 Prius. The new car sales person even thought it was available for the 2006. I said not according to the person I talked to at the 877 # I called to check who takes the calls for roadside assistance. I can't believe they don't even have it straight what there offering for their 2006 Priuses. That should have had that already figured out and then removed it from the brochere. Stop telling customers they have it etc etc. I think I better go run Toyota! B)
warranties cover problems related to manufacturer defects, and towing is included to bring the car in for warranty repair. having a nail in your tire isn't a manufactuer defect. not covered by warranty.
I should have been more accurate. The free towing to the nearest toyota center is provided if the vehicle is disabled because of a "covered component". So lets say that your vehicle fails because of a non-covered part (ex: a coolant hose)... then in that case... the towing is on your dime. The material that is provided with the car... on a hang tag... clearly says we get roadside assistance for 36 months.... I think we should get it... otherwise, it was deceptive advertising. /Jim
I would agree to it being deceptive advertising if they now decide not to offer it. I think you could give them some trouble if they refused to give it to you. I will talk to my laywer about it if my dealership doesn't take care of it for me. He does have a fax showing that the brochere does say 2006 on it and that's what he seemed concerned about seeing. If they plan on just paying for AAA for me it will need to be the PLUS plan and be for 3 years/36,000 miles. I guess I will see what they say when they call me on Saturday! Galaxee is there any insight you can give us on this since your hubby works for Toyota?
The extended warranty covers "unlimited towing to the nearest Toyota Dealership" ... for defects in covered compnents Doesn't the basic warranty provide this protection too? I don't have a cc yet. (Later today!) If not, it's a reason not to put off geting the extended warranty. C
The extended warranty "extends" the coverage out to the years you bought or the mileage. It starts from the day the car is delivered to you. So the longest it will ever be covered is 7 years, even if you buy it 2 years after delivery. If you get the ext. warranty, figure out how much you're going to drive. We plan on putting 18,000 miles per year on the car, so we went with the 6year/100,000 plan, since we'll put on 100K in about 5.5 years.