Aunt Jemima: I'll be the first to admit, I laughed my nice person off. Even though I can easily see where it could be perceived as extremely offensive.
I got a good chuckle out of it. It's not as funny as SNL's Uncle Jemima's Malt Liquor skit though. The guy was so (fake) drunk during the whole 'commercial' that he saw and spoke to cartoon woodland creatures that were around him. The other people in the commercial kept asking him who he was talking to and then he got yelled at for sitting around by Aunt Jemima. Good stuff.
It just comes from another, time another place. That was then, this is now. It is of historical interest. Politically Incorrect? I guess but it is some what like taking "Huckleberry Finn" out of schools because of the language it uses.
what gets me, is a lot of people voted not offensive, not humorous... Wth? I picture these people walking around all day with solemn expressions on their faces driving to their jobs (in their Prius of course), staying indoors all day while their solemn expressions stare back at them in the bleak reflection of their monitor while they move the mouse around meaninglessly to items within the screen that if described as music, would be defined as "atonal". h34r:
Gee, my wife and I both looked at it and just said....That's stupid! No, it isn't funny and No, it isn't offensive either....what is so hard to understand? Ya know squid, joke about a pet saying I have....but it seems from many of your posts that you might be more attunded to it... If we all can't be like me, we might as well all be different. I am starting to think you do not notice that YOU are not mainstream.
My boss and I coined a term, or affliction if you will, from which those types of people suffer. The kind that go through life and everything is serious all the time. Cannot laugh or crack jokes. Cannot enjoy any type of humor. They are afflicted with BCS, or Butt-Cheek Syndrome, as we've coined it. Their cheeks are stuck together so that they walk as if there's something stuck up there. These people are uptight and controlling all the time. Much as Dr. Evil prevented his son Scott from speaking with 'hup-hup! hup-hup-hup' every time Scott dared attempting to utter a word, the BCSers do the same thing every time something humorous or fun might be told or about to happen.
Not terribly witty, is it? BTW, Squid, your assertion that those who fail to laugh at that must be humorless would only hold if humor were an absolute. Humor is subjective.