After a heavy rain, all the power windows in my 2004 Prius stopped working except for the driver's window. I assume it is a blown fuse but for the life of me I can not find the Instrument Panel Fuse Box which is supposed to be under the steering wheel area but there is nothing there. Anybody got any idea on how to find it and if there is a fuse for only the other three windows besides the driver's one??? Appreciate any help. Hate to have to take it into the shop just for a blown fuse. Thanks, Bud
There is a switch on the driver's armrest that controls the functioning of the window switches on the other three doors. I suggest you check that switch first. You probably have to remove the trim panel below the steering wheel to access the fuse box there.
Well, (Duh) thanks, Patrick. I've owned the car for over two years and didn't know that lock was there. Bud
Hi Patrick I spent hours looking thru Priuschat and other sites looking for ways to remove the trim panels, finally found a site that discribe how to do it. How can Toyota design it like that, just to get to a fuse? When you look up from underneath the dash, it looks like a box that cannot be access w/o taking the panels apart as you thought. Getting very frustrated, I pried down on the tab in the middle of the long length of the "box" and the cover to the fuses popped off exposing the fuses. Voila- FYI there is a tool to remove fuses located under the hood in the fuse box where one would jump start the car. Patrick, I have been educated by your knowledge and input on Priuschat. thanks Pete
Anyone has the layout for the interior fuse ?? my car is missing the fuse cover and layout. i am looking for steering wheel lights. thanks
2008 Prius. Wheel controls for front and rear defrost and recirculate air don't work. Where is fuse(s) for these? Thanks.
If the controls for the defrost and recirculate air on the MFD work and not the steering wheel, the fault is likely to be in the "clock spring" in the steering wheel and not fuses.