I've noticed that I've had to stand closer and closer to my 2009 prius for the lock/unlock buttons on the key fob to work. I thought this might be a symptom of a dying battery but I replaced the battery in both key fobs and I still need to stand within 15 feet (sometimes less) for them to work. Anyone know where the keyless entry antenna is located? I'm wondering if there's a bad connection there. Any other suggestions are appreciated. Also, what kind of range are people seeing on their keyless entry remotes?
You mean how's the condition of my 12v battery? I replaced it last year and haven't had any problems with it at all.
smartkey antenna in the trunk, right behind the "orange plug" on the Hybrid battery. another one in the rear of the center console. Have you added any aftermarket stuff to the car? Enginer Plug in kits used to mess with smartkey reception.
I don't use the buttons on the fob much but noticed it's never had much range anyway. Don't care much.
Thanks, 3prongpaul, I'll try to see if there's a loose connection. I haven't added anything aftermarket at all. I can't think of anything that would be blocking reception.
I have the exact same issue. I also replaced my keyfob battery with no change The range is about 1 1/2 car lengths. I know this because I park behind another car, and there is about another half a car length of walk way to my front door. Sucks when I have to stand just OUTSIDE that door to make it work,,,rain or shine if... "I can't remember if I locked the car.." at 1am. I'd love to be able to just reach over onto my nightstand and hit the button!
Maybe something is up with your fob or car. I can lock the car from at least 10 m (30 ft) away if in a good line of sight. I also have no problem locking/unlocking the car from inside upstairs probably 3 - 4 m (9 - 12 ft) through glass or walls. Yes, the distance does get less and less as the battery gets weaker. It is a good idea to check the button cell with a voltmeter when changing the fob battery to make sure it is good. A good battery will read 3.3 - 3.4 V; a battery that will start giving problems will be 2.9 V - 2.8V or less.
I'll double check the battery. The "new" one was one left from a pack of two I bought..who knows when? So it's worth trying. Mine won't work from upstairs even with a clean line of sight either. Thanks for the tip!