I actually took these pics. one night this past fall... Spiritual orbs? or something else? h34r: [attachmentid=1869] [attachmentid=1870] [attachmentid=1871] [attachmentid=1872] Funny thing is, I took numerous "control" shots outside the graveyard, and not a single one contained these weird orb-like structures... So who believes in ghosts?
noooo... no photoshop, nothing... lens flares? how do you explain the control photos being absolutely devoid of these things? taken at the same time, and just about the same place, just in a direction away from the graveyard...
was it wet out that night? we have a pic that has a weird thing on it too... it's right behind me in the pic. strange.
I fully admit I've gone "ghost hunting". A friend even brought a device the measures electromagnetic energy, which, from what I've read, can be an indicator of something 'weird' going on...
Gotta check all variables. No coughing, sneezing, breathing when the shot was taken. Also take into account the wind, rain etc. If all that is cleared, I'd say that was one of those orbs that you captured. The type where they're not able to take on a human form yet.
Here, for comparison, here are some of the control shots: [attachmentid=1884] [attachmentid=1883] [attachmentid=1882] [attachmentid=1881] [attachmentid=1880] Pretty strange huh?
I would also like to add these pictures were taken at the Trinity Church in Brooklyn, CT (near my old hometown in Woodstock, CT). A place that is supposedly so haunted, the church was shut down years ago. In addition, recently executed serial killer, Michael Ross, dumped one of his victim's bodies behind the church (this is FACT), and, apparently, wrote something rather vulgar in her blood... I think there are a bunch of references to this church online....
What was the weather like when you took the pics? To me it looks like tiny droplets of water on the lens refracting the flash bounce-back. If it was windy and threatening rain, you might have had a few tiny droplet blown onto the lens facing one way, and evaporated off the lens facing the other. Or they might be Cytropian Brain Eaters.
It could be almost anything in the photos, but I do believe in ghosts. Too many unexplainable things have happened in my life for me to think that the physical world is all that there is.
well then, it's possible that those are orbs. I mean, they would stay at a place if there's an attachment to that place (e.g. where they died or what not) Edit: http://theshadowlands.net/places/ This site's useful
IF your “orb†stays in the same location when you slightly move the direction the lens is facing, then you may have something. Otherwise, I too say lens flare. We are probably seeing errant return flash from some nearby shiny object, such as that thermometer in the tree in one of the pictures. The reflecting object doesn’t need to be in the picture - just be at a proper angle to shine some light off one of the inner lens elements, which could then casts an image on the back of one or more of the outer elements. Lens flare would also explain why you have two orbs - with the larger one being brighter . . . it is the image cast off the closest lens element. That is why good multi-element lenses are “coated†. . . to help fight lens flare. Just because your “control shots†don’t have lens flare doesn’t mean each time you get lens flare means it’s a ghost . . . cemetery or not. If you enlarge the orb and see an image in that, all bets would be off. P.S. This is from someone who, as a teenager, saw a UFO. I was with a friend and we both described what we were seeing, but we couldn’t identify what it was . . . even though it seemed fairly close and it was a very clear night. Made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck!
Nice site! Here's the write up on this location within it: Brooklyn - Trinity Church - An old church surrounded by a grave yard that dates back to the late 1700's, some grave markings are even older and marked only by rocks put into the ground. There is a path behind the church that leads past a pond and up a short hill-all of this is surrounded by grown-over weeds and things. Once at the top of the hill that land becomes instantly flat and only contains trees. In the middle of this there lies a flat rock. When you stand on the rock you can notice that in front and behind you are bare and to either side of you is bare. The clearing forms a complete cross. - November 2003 update correction: The serial killer of the 1980's - left a body of the young girl he had killed behind this church. It is said that this was the cause of the hauntings, which forced the church to shut down. No one uses the church today, yet it is said that from time to time you can see people in the windows.
The weather was calm and clear. It was one of those nights for which ultimately, you could turn off your headlights and drive by the moonlight on non-lit country back roads... Cytropian Brain Eaters... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I see what you're saying, but in all, there must be something like 20 control shots, and none show those orbs, whereas almost every single one at the graveyard contains the orbs, I'd say that's kind of odd... I did try enlarging them, couldn't make out any image, then again, maybe the resolution wasn't good enough? I don't know... Peculiar, very peculiar... Obviously, I'm not going to insist they're ghosts, but, so far, I don't think I have a 100% convincing explanation as to why they appear...
I've seen these "orbs" with just about *every* camera I've had.. The Canon cameras seem to exhibit these "orbs" the most- the consensus seems to be that it's either dust on the lens (sometimes on the internal surfaces, so just because to front lens is clean doesn't mean that the internal elements are clean) or some sort of internal reflection that show up at certain focal lengths/zoom settings.. If they occur, they are most easily spotted in night/dark shots, but I've got them on some brightly lit shots as well.. If you turn the camera 90 degrees to take a portait shot, the "orbs" should either disappear or shift positions 90 degrees, verifies that it's a lens/camera artifact and nothing "ghostly"..