I just got back from my 25,000 mile check-up, and the cabin filter was full of nutshells and chewed foam. I got the full $99 service to clean it out, and the dealer said that the best thing they had heard of to keep the little guys out is cedar oil. Has anyone had the same problem? What have you done?
thanks for the tip! many have had this problem and the only solution so far has been to cover all the openings with hardware cloth. what is cedar oil?
Cedar oil??? Hmmmm. I'm not so sure about that. Don't they put cedar shavings in hamster cages? Best thing I know to do is to keep a couple of hungry cats around. Failing that you could leave a few sticky traps under the car. Best of all....they're reusable!!! Just pull the mieces you catch off with a pair of pliers (sometimes their little feet will stay stuck in the trap, but that's OK) and you're ready to go again!
I read that peppermint oil helps. But maybe the first thing to try is putting those clothes dryer sheets in the openings but someplace that won't catch fire. There are other ways, like soda, but that probably won't help much in a car. Mike
Cedar oil is toxic to humans. It won't kill you, it will lower your immunity to other pathogens. So I suspect it would be bad for the mice as well, repelling them. Peppermint oil might be a better choice. But then you'll have to deal with the children it attracts. Many of those who have had mouse problems have used wire mesh over the openings (that they can find).
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