You dog! I'm totally jealous! Too cool! Which battery size option did you get? Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
85kWh, tech package, studio sound, tan leather with lacewood trim, and air suspension. Non-performance, no pano roof.
Have you tried the different amounts of power steering assist yet? I wish Prius had that, it would cost close to nothing to add.
Awe man, now I'm really jealous. Way to go... I don't really care about the cost... Most things really cool do. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
Cars are cars... But when you finally become of age and get financially secure... Everyone deserves a totally cool sports/luxury car or similar. I've gotten some of my middle age crazys out with my motorcycle... But tesla is on my list! Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
Cars are cars, but like the Prius was for me 9 years ago, this one is also a passion and an act of faith. I'd never have paid this much for ANY other car currently available. Looking at what's currently available I'd have either kept the Prius and gotten a Leaf as a commuter car or just gotten a new Prius (probably the plug-in which I would not have been happy with). But I believe in what Tesla is doing, I believe in EVs, and I believe I have a responsibility to put my money where my mouth is and to show that this is real, feasable and awesome...just like the Prius 9 years ago.
True, providing you have that money!... LOL! Seems they are not doing it half hearted. Due to their massive 88 football field size warehouse they could have tons of overhead, unless that's already paid for with government grants given. Seems the hardest days should be behind them. They certainly have an impressive warehouse, vision, and excitement behind them... Reminds me of prius early days.... But this time there is a "lot" bigger base of support It is a crazy amount to spend, but people buy two cars... Same difference. And any really nice sports car will cost dearly. I love the simplicity of but all but yet not playing copy cat. They must be doing a great job with their 18650 "I'm assuming" battery banks they manufacturer or toyota wouldn't get discussing using them for the rav4+ev. Charging stations with restaurants, coffee shops, movie theaters, and hotels will be important to make this stuff go global. Placing at existing truck stops may be good to get started. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
Evan, congratulation for your new "baby". I hope you will report all your findings as an early adopter. We, in Europe, are still waiting for the reliable price estimates and EU's homologation tests.
There are about 1,000,000 luxury cars sold each year in the US alone. Lots of people seem to be able to pay for a Mercedes, BMW or Audi, so I expect there will be plenty that can afford one, although certainly not everyone. When you refer to their 'warehouse' are you referring to their state of the art manufacturing and assembly plant? If so, Toyota invested with Tesla and Tesla bought the NUMMI plant from Toyota. The current plan, last I heard, was to be producing both the Model S and Model X out of that plant. I don't believe Tesla received any sizable government grants, they have received a bit under 500 million in a DOE loan. I believe grants generally don't need to be paid back. The first 2 installments of the loan have already been paid (the second isn't due until March so they are ahead of schedule).
Right, I meant loan... Seems it was 418 million or something like that. The "cool" and fun, & classy factor will carry the tesla just like it does for other sports cars. When we don't have to stress about whether we can find a charging station or whether it will slow down our trip is when it will really take off! Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
It is exciting the first time you drive a car but I'm sure one day he may be telling his grand children he was one of the first Hybrid owners of a Prius and the first EV owners of a Tesla and a part of History as the ICE went away as the Steam engine once did
Lol! By then we will purchase tiny power cell guaranteed for the life of the car driven by nuclear...... Whoooa!.... Someone just knocked me off my cloud.... Back to work! Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
I have tried standard and sport. Don't notice a huge difference b/w the two. At some point I guess I'll try the "comfort", but all reports are that it just feels sloppy, so I'm not too interested in even trying. It's also interesting playing with the variable regen. I've been using standard mode almost exclusively, but did try it on low. I believe I'd set it to low for highway/cruise control driving since the regen kicks in on any downhill and holds the speed at exactly what the CC is set for. The adjustable air suspension is pretty interesting. For the most part I leave it on standard though.
So do you have that butterfly feeling yet that makes you wonder if you made the right decision? Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Nope...only things I would change, if I could have afforded to, would be to get the Blue color (though the gray is fantastic) and the Performance, just to show off. But I went way over my budget for what I got already and I'm thrilled with the car I have. Tesla Gallery by efusco, on Flickr