" We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. " - George Orwell
And is that a whole box of ammo?... LOL! Too long to reload, I have extra clips. I can't imagine ever needing that many bullets.... But the clips keep things tidy. The 45 is stinkin loud even with the barrel pointed the opposite direction! If an assailant doesn't stop with a couple warnings shots "provided there's time", then he's trying to kill you with every fiber of his being and needs to be stopped by force! I personally am not into being sued later by the attacker because our crappy court system takes the side of the villain because he lost in the end.... So that tells you what I plan to do if forced to! You can just look at the Israel & Palestine conflict to see how that works! Oh, & you need more screens to look at!.... Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
The problem with statistics is they are usually gathered in a fashion to push a point. They include all the inner city gangs & crimes of passion by redneck beer drinking hot heads that have zero business with a gun if they do not practice sound judgment and reasonable sense. I know they all think they do, but that's why chls are great... They check history of any dui's, domestic violence, even traffic infractions are considered in the mix. That alone gets rid of the majority of issues. While it's true many of those folks who got a chl may have unreported concerns and so far "can hold their liquor", so to speak about their affairs of life, it keeps guns in the hands of the responsible and "out" of the hands of minors etc. While even after that there are still mishaps.... Welcome to life! There are mishaps with driving cars, walking across the street, riding motorcycles, skateboarding, scooters, rollerskating, snow skiing, bicycle riding, mountain climbing, recreational boating.... Does that mean we ban them all? I remember when we set the max speed limit to 55 because it saved lives. Does that mean we lower it to 30mph because that saves even more lives?... How about 10mph?...how about we just walk? The benefits of protection and keeping criminals accountable far outweighs giving up having to live in fear of never knowing when your a victim. Maybe this picture was missed? Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Time for Illinois gun owners (myself included) to rejoice. The court has struck down the IL Concealed Carry law as unconstitutional! The State of IL has 6 months to come up with a Concealed Carry Bill. Woot! I always carried anyway...soon it won't be illegal Illinois was the only state left without a concealed carry. Federal court strikes down Illinois concealed carry law - West Frankfort, IL - The Daily American - West Frankfort, IL
It has to make police officers feel better when they arrive on the scene and find the bad guy dead instead of the innocent victim! I used to be a Houston paramedic, I got to scenes often before the police did.... It's ugly. People laying everywhere... Except the bad guys.... Often they were both the bad guys! Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Well hopefully it's not like California it might be legal to carry concealed but getting the permit is almost impossible.
Better get it while you can, it will only get harder. Seems silly to make it harder when anyone can get what they want over the counter at gun shows.... Tame that first.. Only stresses the point of why people are afraid of restrictions, once government gets their tentacles on, they keep going. They are so big they can't process reason well. Chl is a success the way it is, don't limit them of all people! They are doing it of their own free will. 40 percent of guns purchased are at gun shows. Their gonna mess around and be back where they started..... No chls and people will still be exercising their right to bear arms but without chls! Doesn't "right to bear" mean right to carry? In the original Greek of course!... LOL! Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
I think what makes people want to carry a gun has pretty much zero to do with political reasons. Seems the TV is filled with crime investigation shows all the way back to Hawaii 5 0. Where stupid twisted people prey on the innocent with sadistic pleasure of inflicting pain, killing, and intimidating. Combine that with the news everyday and there you go. Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Gun owners / carriers beware, obama and his goons can't take away our guns, but they can make it harder to get ammo, STOCK UP NOW!!!
I get the feeling ammo is going to have a background check required for purchase some day. Time to go to reloading but then watch powder and primers require a background check... Maybe best to just get a FFL-01 and be done with it. Mike
Don't expect to be saved by the FFL route. Remember what happened in the mid-1990s? Nearly 80% of FFLs were prodded or forced to give up their licenses. Especially hard hit were those who had obtained a federal license to deal with the regulatory hassles of gun collecting, hobbies, gunsmithing business, or to have a low volume side business. A few years later, a study found that the bulk of illegal dealer sales to ineligible buyers could be traced to about 2% of the (post-purge) FFLs. I was offended that the Administration hadn't tried to take out those rotten dealers as part of that broad purge.
And reloading Isn't the safest bet either cause say you do have to use deadly force, my professor who is also lawyer said they have different charges for these people ( more severe) because " it shows intent" I'm moving to Arizona lol Wild West
Reloading as in loading your own ammo not loading your firearm I already have my FFL-03 and fully intend to get a FFL-01. Mike
What's the difference in intent loading your own ammo verses if you just buy it over the counter or from someone else? Sounds like someone had a crappy lawyer as usual or was getting state appointed apprentice. Alan... Sent with Tapatalk 2
Reload ammo is less expensive and can be taylored for your gun making it much more accurate. You can also Taylor it for a specific purpose, I.e. less recoil, less penetration, subsonic for less noise yada yada. Lawyers love to find out you've reloaded the ammo you used to defend yourself because they've been able to disingenuously convince ignorant juries that you made the round "more deadly" with the intent to kill not stop the perp from attacking. Well duh!