The front seat heater control switch is hard to reach while driving so I was wondering if I could use the 12volt version of the Willhi automatic temperature control that I saw on ebay. Automatic Digital Temperature Controller Thermostat 12V 110V 220V Control Switch | eBay AutoSpeed - $25 Temperature Controller and Display! I was thinking that I could leave the heater switch on in the winter and set the control to activate the seat heater if the temperature in the car is below 40 degrees. I doubt that this is a DIY project for me since I'm not sure if I could link into the proper cable under the seat (Black cord?). Do you think this would work.
I'm not sure you need one. Yes, that is correct the switch is located in a strange location and there is no lights on the dashboard if it is ON or OFF position. But I have noticed that the seats (I think) have some kind of pressure switch sensor inside. I left the passenger heat switch ON and it was empty, when I touched the seat it wasn't even warm. So I think the heated seats are only activated when someone is seating on them.
That may be true but it would be nice if we didn't have to try to locate the "off" switch while driving. By the way, the seats get hot very quickly and do not need to be "on" for very long.