Not sure if anyone had this happen. But while driving the hybrid warning light turned on in the MTD. A red car if I remember correctly. I called Steve he has a shop in Indiana. Great guy. He told me it was the hybrid battery over heating and to try and mess with the wiring going to the cooling fan in the right rear quarter panel Steve was right. Seems my car developed a crack in the body seam at the roof line. Water was leaking into the cabin everytime it rained. The 12volt battery was swimming in 3inches of water. I messed around with the wires that were above the right rear tire. Some of these wires went to the cooling fan for the hybrid battery. The cooling fan started to turn on and off and air coming from the hybrid battery was hot. Seems the leak was dripping on the electrical connector for the hybrid cooling fan. The connector was all corroded and i had to cut it out and hard wire it together. Been working good ever since. The leak was sealed with silicone. Couldn't think of anything else. The right thing would have been to grind out the seam filler and re apply the seam goop. Wild love to know if anyone else has had a leak or was this a fluke.
A leak in that area seems to be fairly common on either side of the car filling the battery tray or the area under the storage box with water. Have not herd of any electrical problems before but I suppose this will be dependent upon the length of time before the leak is discovered. I should keep a careful check on the area now and I will check my car occasionally just in case.
Ok. Cool. I figured I had beaten this car so hard the body was cracking. Lol. But there is a connector attached to the sheet metal for the cooling fan. It was nasty nasty corroded. When the battery overheated. I wiggled it and the fan started. That was around 110000 miles. But I stopped the car and called Steve in Indiana. He answered and gave me the idea. In my profession you can loose faith in people, everyone lies to me. Steve rebuilt that faith. He saved my azz. It was a Sunday if I remember correctly. Awesome guy. Awesome company.
There are many people here on PC that can be extremely helpful. A couple of days ago one offered to buy a rear light for me in the US and ship it to the UK. That to me is what this community is about "helping others" in my book something to be proud of.
Had same thing, why was there a crack in the body seam? Is Toyota responsible for this? Where exactly was the leak as the garage was a bit vague and couldnt pin point it. Seems funny you had same thing? B