Nothing to do with Sharon, IMO A nutty Iranian PM with dreams of nuclear war and new threats to cut off oil exports, and miltants targeting Nigerian oil manufacturing, however, are valid reasons to speculate on the commodities market if you are into that sort of thing. Price volatility ? Hah. You ain't seen nothing yet. And in other news, GM is excited about their brand new, extra big Yukon.
After dropping to 82 cents a litre, regular unleaded is back up to 95 cents a litre. That isn't the $1.20-$1.30 we saw after the Rita/Katrina panic, when pickup and SUV drivers were crying all day long. I've also noticed that large SUV drivers are magically getting *much* better fuel economy with the higher prices. Denial isn't just a nightclub in McMaynerberry (Source: King of the Hill).
Right before Christmas gas at the local cheapie was 191 per. Now, 248 per. That's about 29 cents a gallon per week rise. What has changed? -Paul R. Haller-
gas prices are heading back up, as evidenced by our trip figures. i've misplaced them, but i know the trip up cost $52 and the trip back cost $65, with no appreciable change in mpg averaged over those 1100 miles each way.
The good part for the US is without us what would the price of oil be. As I said earlier the oil producing countries and the oil companies are walking a fine line between huge profits and huge peril. Long before the last barrell of oil is pumped out of the ground you and I won't care what is done with it and what the price is.
I'll start voicing small amounts of optimism when the populace wakes up to the notion that having oilmen, assorted defense contractors, and imperialists run the government is a dumb, dumb idea.
Actually, it just went down 6 cents on Friday where I live in Columbia, MO it is $2.19. I was about 60 miles south over the weekend and the price was only $2.09. Andy quote=Catskillguy,Jan 5 2006, 10:00 PM] I would have to think it's everywhere... Gas in my area has gone up over 25 cents a gallon over the last 2-3 weeks. Is is the same story near you? (I know this is SO WRONG, but it makes me feel a little self satisfied because it makes my pending Prius purchase seem better and more affordable.) [snapback]184555[/snapback][/quote]
I remember a couple of cartoons from the 70s. One was a sign at a gas station that said FREE WITH $10 PURCHASE 8 OZ GLASS TO KEEP IT IN The other was from Mad Magazine. The first panel showed a guy with his hands in the air because someone stuck something in his back and said, "Stick'em up!" The next panel showed it to be the gas station owner with a gas nozzle in his hand and saying it was a joke. The guy then asked if there was gas available. The owner said, "Yeah. At a dollar a gallon (remember this was in 70s). And I ain't joking now." The final panel had the guy raise his hands up again and saying, "You're right, this is a stickup!"
$2.09 here in Minnesota...I remember 2 or 3 years ago, it was as low as $.85...9/10 by the way, why is gas always priced in the thousandths?
Hi Andrew, the pricing in Australia is also bad: 1 liter is A$1.20 so.. 1 USgal is A$4.52 so.. 1 USgal is US$3.39 I think that things are about to get worse rather than better. With Iran snubbing the IAEA by breaking the nuclear reactor seals and starting enrichment again and with their leaders publicised attitude towards the ongoing existence of Israel, and with Saudi publically stating their dissatisfaction with the Iran position and with the likely possible support of Iran by China in the event of UN sanctions then what could be worse? - only the unthinkable!
Why is anything priced blah.99? (8.99, 24.99, etc.) Because it maked the number look smaller. Which sounds bigger? "two hundered fifty thousand" or "quarter of a million"? (Hm, I should make a poll)
Regular $2.59 How about oil at about $67 a barrell again!! This time, besides nuke tension with Iran, there is the problem with rebels in Nigeria threatening that OPEC member's entire output!
Consumer group guy on news tonight with same old same old. Why does no one listen or do anything? Why is it that gas prices immediately rise when oil barrel prices rise when it take up to 90 days for *that* oil to be refined into gas? Why are we paying tomorrow's prices today? Gas has gone up over 25¢ since the first of the year. That's the fastest it's ever risen. It's predicted to reach $3.50 by summer. (Told you so!) You know what I think? They gave us a Christmas present. It went down for the holidays and now it's heading up again. It will probably go down a bit before each primary and election, but will go back up again and hit a higher level. We had close to $2 this last Christmas? Well, after the extended mid to high $3 will have most of the mid year we'll be happy to see lows in the mid to high $2 next Christmas. And come Jan. 2007 it will go up again with highs in the $4 predicted for summer. In a few years $5 and we'll be all nostalgic about those $3 a gallon prices in 2006.
Does anyone know if Iran's gas is subsidized ? I would think so at 10c a gallon, and their citizens are all upset about the price doubling (similar story in Iraq). Yes, it is a different economy but I would be curious what the refining/production cost are in stable oil producing nations. We ARE getting soaked..... Could be worse, I could be driving a SUV.
G: I think you're right. It encouraged folks to rush out and spend like crazy for Xmas. Now they have a double-whammy: the credit card bills are arriving, and the price of gas is back up. j
Yep. Now they're getting the cc bills for holiday meals that have long been eaten, gifts that have already been opened, returned, or exchanged, AND get to fill up the Navigator or Expedition to the tune of $40-50/tank on a weekly or basis so they can keep commuting solo to/from work 5 days a week. (I'm just guessing on the cost-I have NO idea how many gallons of gas either of those cars' tanks hold).