of course, just didn't know what your expectations were after you just said dinner, as if you were dissapointed
I've had one unsuccessful Coastal EV installation attempt. I admit I was slightly nervous and it was getting cold and I wanted to close everything back up. The symptoms are my Prius still drives like a normal prius with out an EV switch. The part of the installation that bothered me was the insertion of the pin into hole 27. I keep reading about how important it is to get it all the way in. However, when I tried to push it in harder I seemed to be just mashiing the insulation rather than pushing the pin in further. So I assumed it must be in far enough and put the grey plug back in. My current suspicision is that the pin in hole 27 is not making electrical contact. I also have wire taps on pin 1 and 13. I think I'm going to go back in with a multi-meter and try to test proper electrical connectivity. Any advise or tips on the pin in hole 27?
hmm.. I don't know. It went in the first time for me and made contact, you have to use a small jewelers screw driver and push on the metal part of the pin, push it down far enough that the clip will close. Maybe you have the pin in backwards. If you keep having trouble you may have a damaged pin, just cut off tht pin and get a new one out of the harness in the steering wheel (also in howto). And also with the coastaltech mod you have to hold the cancel switch down for 2 - 5 seconds before it will activate. If you think you don't have contact you can test it. With the car warmed all the way up and the MFD on any screen besides the batery monitor touch the lead on pin #27 to any ground, if it doesn't work then you don't have proper contact.
that is by far the toughest part and it does have to be a ways down there. biggest thing, make sure the plug retainer is separated far enough. then take a precision screwdriver that has a tip small enough to fit in the socket and use that to push the pin in
I had to do it three times until I got it in far enough! It is by far the toughest part of the install. Third time I left the dash disassembled and drove the car around until I was sure it worked.