I get a kick out of this thread, and start it on boards from time to time. Sometimes people will give me something cool to check out, too. Mine: the "White Ladder" album, David Gray "Best of College A Cappella, 2003" (check the 01 album out on the iTunes store. Listen to the cover of "Peg" by Steely Dan) "Crazy Mary," as done by Big Head Todd and the Monsters
it is almost midnight, I am sitting in my cubicle. I hear the air handling unit... hear the sound of our indoor firing range. Laughter occasionally and a police radio squawing in the background. Kinda peaceful actually
i've got the ipod hooked up to the surround sound system, currently playing 'deify' by disturbed. also lots of wind noise and rustling leaves outside and a couple cats roaming around probably knocking things over from the sound of it...
Dude that's awesome! -------------- Currently hearing the coffee maker finishing up making half a pot with it's tell-tale gurgle. listening to "Dorina" by Dada (from the album "Puzzle") playing on the PC and faintly hearing my golden retriever, Clyde, smacking his lips after having his breakfast
I'm listening to: Aqualung, Editors, The Postal Service, Fiery Furnaces & Bloc Party... And reading this: PostSecret
Jack Johnson (in Between dreams) Modest mouse (the good news album) Moby (about 3 hours of his music) The Killers and... Fall out boy Crash test dummies (God Shuffled his feet) my wireless speakers are hooked up to my computer so I can take them through out the house. I have... about 120 hours on my computer of music (severl of them are on external HD's) I'm in the middle of slipping in an extra internal 40 Gig (ugh its too small!) HD to get more music off my cds and into my computer. I have one more open bay and I might as well go buy anotherr 200gig HD to store everything.
Here in the office, classical music (courtesy KMZT) b/c it helps me concentrate better. In the car on the way here, what else, Rancid "Let's Go".
My daughter (just turned 16) made up a CD for her friends for Christmas, that's one of the songs on it. She gave Mom a copy because our musical tastes are a lot more alike than when she had her Dad take her to see Brittany Speers a few years back (in the days when she complained about what terrible music Mom listened to....now I can't find my Social D and Pixies CD's half the time because she's got them!).
Men Without Hats, In The 21st Century Wait -- iTunes is picking another random track -- Oops, it's the Canyonero jingle from Go Simpsonic with The Simpsons!.