Resolving this, shall we say, dilemma, will require more detailed information. For example, is this activity performed in solo, as a two-some, a ménage à trois, a four-some, etc. The solutions are quite different for these variations and according to the genders, preferences and dimensions of all participants. Unless you are asking about the solo option, please provide photos, vital measurements and preferences for all participants so the resourceful Priuschat community can provide thoughtful and informative advice.
Do they have kits to turn one's Prius into a uh, um, "personal massager"? When someone comes up with a vibrator that can break concrete hooked up to a Prius then making whoopee in it might be fun.... Oh Gawd, did I just say that?!
Only if you like "butt floss..." Whoever invented those kind of skivvies have never wore the damn things. TMI....
What fun. The possibilities are endless. NOT the hood. Those things are way too flimsy and expensive. NOT while driving. There are lives - and body parts - at stake other than your own. Stash the cargo net. It's too easy to get your toes stuck in the mesh. And get that stupid tonneau cover out of the way before you bruise something. While getting yourselves into position - Smack! Owwww - watch your head. Best to move slow. Well, at least while getting yourselves into position.
Maybe there is a class I can take similar to Yoga with stretching and chanting. Make your Prius a Love Bug !