Higher fuel taxes. European Union Gas/Diesel prices in EUR per liter are here. "Bruttopreise" is what we pay at the pump, "Nettopreise" is net of taxes. Silver lining: in case of real crisis (e.g. oil price $50-60 per barrel) government may lower taxes to dampen shock. BTW: EUR 1 is around USD 1.20 now. Gallon - Liter (and more) Converteris here
Very useful -- thank you, boa8! I was just wondering yesterday how US petrol prices stacked up to European prices. This answers all my questions!
$1.98 for 87 octane over here in Ft. Luaderdale Florida! Some say we have it pretty good compared to other states....
Darn! Someone beat me to it! The ARM/LEG price sign is in my 'hood -- Menlo Park. I wanted to go take a picture of it with my Prius, but just haven't gotten around to it. ;-)
i just got back from spain, paid about $4.75/gal for gas. funny thing is that after i filled my rental (Seat) it went a 100' and died. turned out it was a diesel car. i hadn't a clue, performed like a gas engine. so after paying my $150 deductible, they towed it away and gave me another car, this time, a gas engine. diesel fuel would have been cheaper, had i known.
Filled up my little red Prius yesterday @$2.26.9 $15.55 Filled up the wife's Dodge Intrepid today at $2.29.9 $38.50 Thank God for the Prius and the fact that her car will not need gas for over a month, it sits in the garage most of the time.
rented a 20-mpg Taurus on Kauai last week (Hawaii) and gas was around 2.49-2.59-2.69 for low to high-test. put about 18 gallons of regular after a week's driving and ditched the car at the airport. i liked my '97 Taurus better. smoother brakes, less "touchy" throttle response....
North Oakland, CA Shell station. Prices went up 13 cents today, up to $2.49/2.59/2.69. I need my Prius bad. 134 days and waiting.
$1.049 a liter in Whitehorse Yukon Territory for those of you thinking about driving the Alaska Hiway. I bought tonight in Vancouver B. C. Canada for 93.5 a liter.
BP station near work is up to $1.95. It's always been high, being right off a highway exit, but it's only 8 cents higher than some stations on the main road near me. By next week, just before Memorial Day, I expect over $2. My summer gas budget is looking mean. Those 300+ mile joyrides I wanted to take are going to be doable, but they won't include the level of Burger King stops I wanted. I'll have to spend money on raw materials for sandwiches to take along so the gas I need still fits the budget. Not a thrill, but doable...
We're still in the 1.85-1.89 range here in DFW. I always take a road trip in June to see the oldbaldcubans in Orlando. Wife's Xterra hovers around 20mpg highway during the trip, I better hit some slots along the way.
http://fxtop.com/ says $1.55 per litre, er, liter. http://www.escapeartist.com/Conversions/Ga...ons_Liters.html says 3.79 liters per gallon. My calculator says $5.87 per gallon...
With apologies (sort of) to all the SUV drivers out there, it looks as though gas is liable to be at $3/gal by the time I have enough room in my Prius' gas tank to put some more in.
Folks, see what we are paying in Hong Kong! US$5.72/Gal for 95 octane http://www.shell.com/home/Framework?siteId...djust_0519.html [US$1 = HK$7.8] What else do you want to complain?