New article today from Interesting reading.,2554, Jeff
Great quote! Bill Gausman, who regularly posts his mileage on, said, "I'd have to throw an anchor out of my window to get mileage that bad," referring to drivers who report receiving less than 40 mpg. It's funny to think people actually complain to dealers about their milage. It wouldn't be any different than complaining about the 0-60 acceleration or the lateral g's achieved. Mr. dealer, I was three seconds slow in the slalom course and my 1/4 mile came in 8 MPH below posted! Another quote from teh same article: Gausman considers the Prius the "Mona Lisa of engineering design" for its ability to balance the use of the electric motor and gas engine.
"Owners of hybrid cars are finding that how you drive is just as important as what you drive, at least when it comes to gas mileage. " :rofl: well, DUH, guys! ever look at your instantaneous mpgs as your car goes up and down hills? maybe 25 up a gentle grade, and the obvious 99.9 (wish it were more accurate ) going downhill.... well, they've got to write something to get paid....
I'm scratching my head over this quote, though. And from a Toyota engineer?! "Toyota engineer Dave Hermance said that weather, driving conditions and driver habits can cut fuel-efficiency by up to 30 percent. Hermance said drivers who slowly roll through intersections using "California stops" are decreasing their mileage. 'If you don't stop, you don't get the free energy of regenerative braking.'"
It could be a case of "lying for Jesus", saying something false as an attempt to motivate people to do the right thing.
Funny you should mention that :_> In the Campus Crusade For Christ one can usually find a few women who are happy to f*ck for Jesus, trying to lure innocent unsuspecting atheists into their cult. Obligatory Prius content: if you fold down the rear seats the cargo area will accomodate a mattress.
Maybe Toyota has also figured out how to make perpetual motion machines? Either he was misquoted, or he needs to re-take his college physics course.
Right ! [Broken External Image]: Prius is good enough - no need to be too religious about it. [Broken External Image]: