I am curious as to how the C handles in the snow. I am a little worried about the shortened wheel base. Where I live we don't get alot of snow (although we a due for a good one) but a couple inches here or there. I'm terrified of driving in it and was just wondering about the handling of the C. I saw threads where people put snow tires on but since we don't get that much snow is that really needed? Not really very many steep hills around, etc.
I also live in an area that does not get a lot of snow however we can get the occasional 4-6 inch storm. The problem here is that they do not use very much road salt. I also live in a mountainous area which doesn't help. They mainly use a sand mixture. I had winter tires because of the ice rather than the snow. If you are more or less in the same boat, I would highly recommend good snow tires.
We are on the opposite end of the road salt condition. They use waay too much around here. Liquid brine has been down for a month on bridges and overpasses with no threat of snow until next week. So what kind of handling are you seeing with snow tires. Any issues? Sliding alot?
Been in the snow once and took it easy, as it glides a bit, but traction control seems pretty nice from what I can tell. Much more to come this winter.
Today was the first opportunity for snow testing of the C. We got about 3 inches of heavy wet snow. I put Blizzaks on last month and I must say I'm impressed with the C's performance. ABS/VSC/Traction all worked together and it handled pretty well, was able to stop at intersections and could easily control any time a skid was encountered. Coming from a Subaru, I thought I'd be disappointed - but the C really was pretty good.
I haven't posted in awhile but clearly thought of this forum after the 14 inches of snow we got dumped on yesterday. I drove to work through an unplowed driveway and on a side road that had not been plowed and I must say I am very impressed with the Prius C. This car had no problems at all driving through the snow. I was nervous about it before I jumped in the car because of the unproven track record so I packed a snow shovel in the backseat just in case. The car handled great and I never came close to getting stuck. A lot of the main roads last night were snow covered and very slippery as witnessed by the many other vehicles I saw in the ditches along the way. The Prius C handled the slippery intersections like it's supposed to and the caution light indicator light do come on. I got to work and came home from work a very happy camper on how well the Prius C performed in the snow and slippery conditions.......even better than my old Dodge Stratus.
Man I hope it snows soon. I really want to test this car out!!! We have had some weird weather here so im almost worried i wont get my chance. It was like 75 a week ago!
I haven't really had the opportunity to drive in the snow. All we have had are a few dustings so far. We are supposed to get a few inches tomorrow but that won't be much of a challenge.
First major snowfall of the season (2 weeks back?), I took my Prius C (with stock all seasons on 15's) out for a spin prior to the plows hitting the roads. Likely about 5 to 10cm of accumulation. It seemed to handle pretty well, but did tend to get "floaty" around 70km/h and I was not too keen on pushing much beyond this given the conditions. My circuit took me on a 2 lane and a 6 lane divided hwy plus some in-town. The virgin unplowed parking lot was a bit of a let-down - the traction control seemed to do its job preventing too much drift. I am not used to ABS/Traction control so the whole driving experience was new. I did almost get stuck once though. You know the ridge of dense-packed snow that forms where a secondary road meets a primary road after a plow goes by? I had basically stopped before it, then attempted to drive through. Everything seemed fine, then solid traction control and that "oh crap" feeling as the car bogged. Straight wheels and feathering the gas/electronator pedal (non TCS instincts?) got me through. On the rest of my route home I looked for opportunities to get stuck (but not too stuck) and was left disappointed. I also had the opportunity to drive on some rather icy roads (ones where you lightly touch the break and the ABS goes crazy). Same "floaty" feel over 65km/h. So the car is fine in the snow, just make sure to drive to your ability and road conditions (i.e. slow down). I do plan on getting snows though as I quite like my car and feel the extra safety "buffer" is worth it. I decided on X-ICE III's. Watch snow accumulation in the wheel wells too. A combination of this and cold tires seemed to make the car vibrate violently over 70km/h when I took it out a couple days later. I seriously thought I had done some damage somehow during my snow test!
Haha...I forgot about snow in the wheels. I had ice accumulate once by my car sitting out...my wheels acted out of balance and vibrated over 35mph. I have a feeling that this car will be way better in the snow that my last two...both Honda Civics.
I'm surprised that it handled so well without snow tires. I purchased the ice 3's but I doubt that they will be challenged much out here in the Okanagan.