have a 2012 prius three. heard somewhere that you could watch a dvd on the nav. screen. is this for real ? if so, any thing special i need to know? thanks for your input.
Well some important things to remember, watching a DVD while driving is STUPID, if you are parked that's fine! In most states it is illegal to enable a TV or DVD in the front seats where the driver can be distracted! Driving is tough enough, spare your fellow drivers your distractions!
Totally agree, even phone conversation when driving (with BT device) causes loosing of concentration. But waiting for wife or daughter and being parked near the shopping mall requires some sort of entertainment
if i might, i think your assumption that i might watch a movie while driving is STUPID in itself and certainly not why i asked the question.
Yes. (IF you're thinking about watching a DVD.....then....) You need to know how to access mass transit in your area. If you're actually moronic enough to think that it's OK to drive and watch a DVD then you have no business behind the wheel of a car. Turning yourself into an organ donor would be pretty sad, but injuring or killing someone else who is smart enough to drive would be doubly tragic. There's a reason why they put VSS lockouts on OEM head units...and there's a reason why idiots who are caught bypassing this attempt to thwart Darwinism so that they can spend time poking Gorilla Glass while they're trying to do the stick and rudder thing ought to lose their licenses for a year and be fined $5,000 (just for the first offense... ) At least drunk drivers have the excuse of having their higher brain functions shorted to ground by alcohol....
Personally, I think it depends on driving technique/philosophy. When we do long drives (really me driving), I get bored with nothing to do - I find good action/adventure movies can keep you more alert. When the wife puts on 'her' DVD's it does nothing for my driving performance. It's important to note that driving while sort of watching a movie, should be done as a team... Meaning the passenger (or people in the back) - should also be paying attention to the surroundings - and alerting the driver (teamwork). I've never had an issue...