My sister has an 03 prius and yesterday the windsheild wipers stopped working rite in the middle of a storm. I had to go meet her and drive with my head out the window to get her home lol. I checked the fuse and its good. The spray function works just not the wipers in any setting. Im pretty good with conventional gasoline/deisel cars and do all my own work just wanted to touch base with the prius world to see if theres anything i need to know before i begin my investigation or if this is a common problem with a common solution. Thx for your time _sam... Also if i end up replacing the wiper motor is there a special procedure to disconecting the battery? Again... thx for your time!...
Very easy and safe to access wiper motor assembly. Don't bother disconnecting either batteries. Remove wiper arms with 14mm socket (drivers side has a black plastic cover covering nut). Remove wiper cowl cover assembly, two philips screws at sides then plastic snaps along front edge. Wiper mechanism is now visible, unhook electrical connector and check with voltmeter to determine if switch, circuit, or wiper motor is bad. Has the car been repaired lately? If you are lucky someone removed wiper mechanism/tray to work on something else and forgot to seat the connector properly "until it clicks" and it just wiggled loose. If you need Gen1 wiper motor/mechanism I have plenty of good used ones cheap. I personally have not seen a Gen1 wiper motor fail.
Yes. I think her daughter backed into a mail box and the aotobody shop had to pop a couple dents in the rear obviously. I will check the connection. Funny ive been trying to price out parts related to the system and it seems thes parts dont fail often at all! thanks again.