I have had my Prius for 2 months and thinking about Making Whoopee in it to keep it fair with all the previous cars. Any suggestions i.e. front seat down, Passenger Front Seat, back seat, lower back seat and use the hatch and back seat cargo area, just drive to your house, forget it the car is not designed for Whoopee.
LOL I'm too old (plus not married) to do that in a Prius. However, I think moving the passenger seat fully forward and using the backseat... Just make sure not to dent the roof and the child safety latches on the rear doors are disabled so you don't get stuck back there. Oh, and forget the hood - don't want dents and scratches.
Oh my! Don't think I've seen that headline cross the papers just yet but you know if it ever happened in a Prius and the couple was caught in the act (if I saw a rocking Prius I'd be running in the opposite direction - with all the windows and its size that is the potential for just too much information!), it would be the launch site for a whole new load of Prius jokes....
Don't ask how I know: (1) Guy sits in the passenger's seat, girl straddles him with feet on the seat (watch out for her knees). (2) Same as (1), except girl sits reverse cowboy. (3) Guy sits in the passenger's seat with the seat back all the way down, girl in 69 position. (4) Open back door(s) and both lay across the seat. (5) Back seats down and do what you may. This is the most comfy, but less exciting. If you think ahead, you can put a foam pad down that covers the entire back with the seats down. A futon works well. (6) Open the hatch, guy sits down with legs over the bumper, girl straddles with legs behind the guy (watch her head). (7) Same as (6) but reverse cowboy (watch her head). It helps if you are both short. And we are talking about when the car is parked, right? This isn't the best car to drive for doing things while driving, but things can be done to make the drive a little more exciting, but never recommended. For that, a pickup with bench seats is great. Mike
JMD, I'll be expecting an update in the near future. Hope all turns out well. My only suggestion is this : consider a trial run in the garage ( with the door shut ). I would like to refer to my ( our ) own experience in that the location you choose often times turns out to be not so private in the end.
I've had lots of car sex, never in the garage, and never got caught. Almost got caught once...that is a funny story. Droid RAZR HD MAXX
Opps. I found it now. I googled it. That is the jingle in a TV commercial. I had not seen it. The only time I have seen TV in the past year has been when I have had to sit in the Toyota waiting room as they service our Prius. I do not get much exposure to TV.