Just look at the Prius chair. It scopes your lower back so that your lower back sinks in. And notice how the head rest pushes your head forward. This causes your shoulders to hunch forward, putting the weight of your head and shoulders in front of your spinal center. This means that your muscles have to work extra hard to compensate for the shift in weight. For some, this may be ok if you recline the seat, but still your back is not straight. For those that value good posture, this may not be the car for you. For myself this is one of the worst seats I have ridden in. My wife likes to drive straight up (without reclining). She developed so much back pain, that after only a year and a half, we are selling the car. For those that find this seat comfortable, please read up on what makes a good ergonomic chair. I know people that likes to sit with their shoulders hunched over. I just kringe at the thought of how much back problems they will have as they get older. Just because if feels comfortable doesn't mean its good for your back. Just because you don't have back pain now doesn't mean you never will. Please note, that I have the Prius 2. I don't know if the upper model is that much better. I am just terribly disappointed in Toyota. A Prius isn't a low end budget car. A car at this price range should have better seats with more adjustments.
Just look at the Prius chair. It scopes your lower back so that your lower back sinks in. And notice how the head rest pushes your head forward. This causes your shoulders to hunch forward, putting the weight of your head and shoulders in front of your spinal center. This means that your muscles have to work extra hard to compensate for the shift in weight. For some, this may be ok if you recline the seat, but still your back is not straight. For those that value good posture, this may not be the car for you. For myself this is one of the worst seats I have ridden in. My wife likes to drive straight up (without reclining). She developed so much back pain, that after only a year and a half, we are selling the car. For those that find this seat comfortable, please read up on what makes a good ergonomic chair. I know people that likes to sit with their shoulders hunched over. I just kringe at the thought of how much back problems they will have as they get older. Just because if feels comfortable doesn't mean its good for your back. Just because you don't have back pain now doesn't mean you never will. Please note, that I have the Prius 2. I don't know if the upper model is that much better. I am just terribly disappointed in Toyota. A Prius isn't a low end budget car. A car at this price range should have better seats with more adjustments.
No, it is a low end budget car. To make the Prius price-competitive with ICE cars, they've got to cut a lot of corners. The car is full of molded plastic and glued-on paper-thin fabrics that peel off after a few years of use. The seats have all the comfort of a brick and the adjustability of the same. The sheet metal is so thin you could dent it with a strong fart, and the bumpers hang on by a thread. Ever run the battery down? The ICE sounds like a fat guy trying to carry a microwave up a set of stairs... it wheezes and moans, and takes all day to get you there. The rear drum brakes are stolen off a junior go-kart, and the rear suspension isn't fit for a riding lawnmower. But the car is great in its utility. It hauls a lot of stuff, be it cargo or passengers, and it does so while getting amazing mileage. That's why I have one. You can't just take a Camry and add hybrid electronics, batteries, a touchscreen console, and expect it to sell for the price of a Camry, right? And even the Camry is a budget car... Don't fool yourself.
Completely agree. Buying it to get max savings on long distance driving, the terrible seats make it almost impossible. Only cure is the power seats and those only available on the PriusIII/4 for thousands of dollars. It takes no more money to make a comfortable seat than an uncomfortable one. Clearly a case of bad design by Toyota and on a high cost, high tech car. Inexcusable.
I got a few of these for $1 each: http://Bulk Mesh Back Supports at DollarTree.com. Fixed the problem. But I have a really straight back, if you have any exaggerated kyphosis in your upper back this seat will definitely push you into a hunching position if not reclined back as the user above posted.
Get your back inline, on-line! Best Buy Back care products at Bad Back Store The Jobri premium lumbar support fits bucket seat cars and costs 60 bucks. They have stores or order online.
Problem isn't lumbar support, it is the bad ergonomics of the seat which whoopee cushions will not fix.
Perhaps he should stop by the Bad Back Store or call them and explain his situation. They have been trained and may be able to suggest a product. His Doctor may also have a suggestion.
No... one can buy a nice aftermarket power setup for well under $1k. Or if he wants to go cheaper, pull one from a wreck. A nice power seat is under $100, with rails, from my local pick and pull. Volvos have comfy seats... Oh? How many seats have you designed? What is the most expensive material / subassembly used in a supportive seat? What is the key part of designing a comfortable seat? Curious minds would like to know... enlighten us!