I ordered a Prius model 4 with solar roof and want to start looking at the owners manual, but the online version is 60 separate PDFs! I have done searches on this forum and on the web but can't find a single PDF of the manual. Does such a thing exist?
I could easily combine the individual PDFs into a single one. Point me to the files and I'll get started. Shawn
Through email, but this is 2012. As long as there is somewhere to host it, downloads would be quick enough with the average internet connection. Unless you are still using dial up.
Shawn, Thanks for the offer. And thanks for the feedback from the other posters. I can't post the owners manual link because of PriusChat rules ("You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 5 posts or more.") Go to the main Toyota website. Under "For Owners" select "Owners Manuals". On the new page in the upper right hand corner, enter "Prius" and "2012". Then you will see a link to the owners manuals (60). There are 60 separate PDF files so this could be very large. Also I don't think it is in order. So maybe it's not worth trying to combine into one file?? I just know that it is hard to find something in the index or via a search if you have to go through many files.
Just give me the link to download it and I am so there! Jsut ordered my PRius IV today and I need to do something (read manual) for the two weeks 'til I get it.
Heck for a nominal fee I would like a proper ebook format that plays well with the Nook or the Kindle.... Toyota at least should provide a PDF that readable on the iPad....
I have all 60 downloaded. Just trying to make sense of the order when combining into one. Some of the pagination doesn't seem to be working out right. I'll let u know if I get it figured out.
Now that I've looked at them, I can see the problem: the files aren't listed in numerical order, so making a searchable document requires a lot of juggling.
Ya, and i still seem to come up with sets of pages that overlap or are missing (numerically). I'm sure the issue is that it's not just one book, there are several. The main book with hundreds of pages and then several small ones. Trying to figure out which pdf belongs to which is a nightmare. So I tried, but in the end i decided it wasn't worth the hassle. I'll just wait for the real printed one.
The 2012 printed manual, for the most part, hasn't been updated. This means that the audio system documentation is only marginally useful as the buttons and some features are all rearranged. In the case of the tire pressure display, as far as I can tell, it is missing from the 2012 cars.
I've tried to look up information in the 2012 printed manual several times now- and most times I've found it's outdated, with incorrect info/photos, non existent optional settings, and ambiguous statements that are not procedure specific. I'm considering using it as a wheel chock for my next oil change
Below are links to the three manuals and quick reference guide for the 2012 Prius. Toyota left out the index pages, but you should be able to do searches within the manual to find what you're looking for. Most of the page hyperlinks won't work since the files have been combined which rearranges all the bookmarks. Shawn 2012 Toyota Prius Basic Operation ( 5.1 MB ) 2012 Toyota Prius Navigation Manual ( 46.9 MB ) 2012 Toyota Prius Owners Manual ( 26.7 MB ) 2012 Toyota Prius Universal Display Audio System Owners Manual ( 34.1 MB )