The message notification feature has been a hit and miss, with my BlackBerry. Sometimes the Nav displays the message, and read it, sometimes no display, but the audio is there, sometimes it acts like nothing is happening. I suspect it is a phone problem. Anyway, I just ordered a Samsung Galaxy to replace my ancient BlackBerry. Any Galaxy S3 users out there, any problem with this feature on the Prius?
Got my phone hooked up. The message notification feature does not work at all. When connected, the phone said the car requested permission for messages, which I granted. Incoming text message do not show up on the nav at all. Any idea?
did you check the box for automatically grant permission to this device in the future? Mine seems to be working and I can open the texts on the screen. Havent tried replying yet.
Android 4.0.4. I re-paired my device once through an entune app, but don't think that matters. I also have t-mobile and connect through BT. IIRC you mentioned being on verizon. I believe verizon has now added free tethering, you just enable it in your setting menu, so I would go with that connection route and give up the text message alerts in favor of quicker connecting speeds for pandora apps. Home->settings->more settings wireless & Network->tethering. You have to have entune running, and maybe you have to have already opened an app and answered the warning, like you have to do to get traffic to load. edit: scratch that, you should be able to take advantage of alerts and wifi tether.
I deleted the pairing on both the car, and the phone, and re-paired them with Entune running. No dice. I was able to hit the Message button one time, and brought up the SMS' already on my phone, and got the HU to read it. I even managed to reply to one with the Quick Reply. Then later in the same session, an SMS came it and the HU did not give a pop up. When I hit Messages, the new SMS was not on the list of the SMS retrieved. Most of the times the Message button is grayed out. So it is a hit and miss. I don't know what makes it tick. I also have another weird problem. Some contacts' numbers show on the HU as random long numbers like 123-45645451545464-6464. Some contacts with Office and Cell entries only have their office number loaded to the HU, while others have all the phone entries. Again, same result after multiple un-pairings, re-pairings, and transfers. I am afraid Jelly Bean might be the only hope. TMo and Sprint already have it, I wish AT&T will hurry the @#%$ up.
oh, I didn't realize you have the 7.1 hdd, or that Jelly Bean is out for T-Mobile already. Downloading it now. Thanks.
Sometimes I really think I got ripped off with this 7" "Premium" HU. Ice Cream Sandwich works with F8L's Three's HU.
Just out of curiosity, do any fellow S3 owners get a weird echo when notifications come through? I hear the phone alert me and it sounds like half a second later the car plays the alert. It's pretty annoying and I have no clue how to stop it.
On the plus side (for you) I recently read jelly bean is available through kies. Hopefully that helps some aspect of your troubles. I'm on Verizon and I'll be waiting a few more months as they are always last to the party.
I have updated to Jelly Bean, and fixed both issues mentioned above. The message transfer function is working as intended with Jelly Bean. I was still having trouble with garbage contact data for some contacts. I finally figured out that my work computer (Outlook 2010) updates my contacts who are company employees with extra info, like country, region, function, department, etc. The Notes section is jammed with a page worth of text. My old BlackBerry must not had sent this info to the HU, but the S3 did. The HU must not like this extra field, and messes up the contact field. I exported all the contacts to Excel, wiped out all the Notes, re-imported it back to Google Contacts, sync to phone, sync to car, everything is working like a dream.
So it updated through kies? Lucky you! That fixed the annoying repeat notification? If so I'm going to install the unofficial JB tonight.
Yep, via Kies. I think the repeated notification is still there. Not 100 percent certain right now, only had two messages so far. SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 ? 2
Please update your impressions of JB on a Verizon SGS3. And please post which version you are running.
Also something to keep in mind is if you have the "power saving" feature turned on, remote things may not work as expected because it is saving power by not sending out info to the world via radio waves unless it absolutely must. Effects everything from WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, even cellular data, etc...
I'm newer to Samsung and Odin so it might have too wait until tomorrow. But there was a new leak released today so I'll be looking into that one.
Gotcha. I've been flashing Samsungs for a while now. Just remember, when flashing in Odin, your device is a PDA, not a Phone!!!! Flashing in Phone mode will brick your phone.
Thanks for the heads up. I never thought I'd say this but I kinda miss my Motorola phones right about now. But as annoying as this double notification is I'm going for it. Even though I promised myself I would leave the GS3 alone. Made it a few months at least
Does the same thing to me. Just have to turn off phone notifications if you don't want to hear it. It will also interrupt any streaming audio going over BT to the car. Again, just have to turn off notifications on the phone to stop it.