Well I picked up my base 2013 Sea Glass Pearl Plug-in Prius yesterday. Wow, that colour is fantastic. There are NO Toyota deals on these cars in Canada, they are in very short supply. Initial thoughts... since I do mostly short city trips I will be buying a lot less gas now. The seat heaters work very well and fast. It was -10 C yesterday and today and I got a fair amount of EV driving considering I was expecting almost none. Mind you it sits in my +4 C heated garage So far, no regrets. Am looking forward to hearing from other Canadian Plug-In owners on here, so far I don't know of any who have received theirs...
Hi - guess I should introduce myself, I've been lurking here a while and have enjoyed reading all the plug-in topics. In October of this year my 2002 Hyundai Santa Fe started acting up and the cost of repair made me consider buying something new. Long story short - I purchased one of the two 2012 Plug-in's available here in Ottawa. I've been driving it for a little over a month now (3247 km on it so far), and absolutely love it. When I was doing the math, I factored in the provincial rebate ($5,000) and the fact that I'd be able to drive one-way to work (21 km) on electric. I estimated that I'd be able to make a tank of gas last at least two weeks, and of course the gas tank is much smaller than in a Santa Fe. As it turned out, and thanks to the excellent PlugShare app for my iPhone, I discovered there is a free (for now) 240v charging station within 5 min walk of work! So I now get to juice up in both directions which further increase the savings and extend the life of the tank. On average, a tank of gas lasts a minimum of 3 weeks (I fill up when the last bar starts to blink, and it is usually around 30 litres going into the tank). One thing I didn't factor in, though should have anticipated it - my wife loves driving it too, and she isn't quite as particular WRT maxxing the MPG as I am. Had I been the sole driver, I'm sure I could boost the stats, but as it is I've averaged 3.7 l/100 km over 4 fill-ups (but that includes the first few weeks when I didn't realize there was a charging station near work). Hope you enjoy your PiP as much as I like mine - so far no regrets whatsoever. Like you, I'm looking forward to hearing from any other Canadian Plug-in owners lurking out there. - Tanglebones
Welcome. My first Christmas with a Prius, the temperature was -30°C. Those are conditions I bet you can relate to. -3°C on the drive home this evening here in Minnesota. The Prius handles it well, though I do have the lower grille blocked entirely for better heat retention and to prevent too much unnecessary cold air. The heated seats are great. The EV is pleasantly still available quite often after warm-up... before too, if your windows don't need clearing. You'll be surprised though by the improvement once it finally does get warm again.
Very cool! I was supposed to receive mine between january and february but I asked my dealership again last week and he said I may receive mine before christmas! It's great to know that we will finally receive them after all this waiting. I even convinced my boss to buy a PiP too. Maybe that will help me to get a charging point at work Congratulations for your new car!
Wow, I'm *really* going to like this car come spring time. We had an unusually warm day today, it was about +4°C and I ran no heat so I drove pure EV. Very nice driving Then later tonight I went on the highway in crazy high winds, heat going full blast, and a full charge and ended 32 km with 5.3 L/100km consumption (I have no idea how many km were pure EV though). The Plug-In Prius is amazing. Forecast is all -10°C so it's back to more normal temps and way less EV... And oh, here's an obligatory photo ...
Congratulations, 13Plug! Hopefully our efforts can convince Toyota to do a bit more PiP promotion up here! While we've got 1/10 the population, monthly sales are running at roughly 1/100 the US rate, for now. (Canadian sales data here.) Out of curiosity, are there any other Canadians on the "Finding EV drivers" map at DrivingElectric.org? I put myself on the map (Vancouver, BC area) but at first glance it looked like the other Plug-in Prius owners listed, were folks who had done their own DIY conversions...!
I ordered mine on July and received only in december. My boss just ordered one at the same dealership and he got a 6 month waiting time. 4 other PiP has been reserved at same dealership but none have been delivered yet. Dealership doesn't have PiP in inventory. Right now I think it's more a production problem. People are buying a car they never saw since production for Canada is too low.
Whoa, Canadian sales are LOOOOOOOW! I got my car Dec 3 so I'd say I'm one of the first 50 PHV Prius owners in the country. Cool Given what we're seeing south of the border, I see no reason for Toyota to be so stingy with delivering cars up here. I guess they want to keep demand high during the initial rollout. Whatever, I have mine now, aside from overpaying compared to our US friends, I'm very pleased with the car.
I ordered mine a week before Christmas 2012, and it arrived today, four months later. Same green as 1 3Plug's.