We got our second prius last night. I can say that the dealer experience was quite good for a change as I hate dealers. I would buy again from washington toyota in washington pa. we got a barcelona red and are going to order a clear bra. we were wondering if anyone knows if they have color matching mudguards?
Yes. I posted the instruction before in another thread regarding this. Let me try to find it. Ok, here http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=1...22&#entry187322 Again, drilling require. But you are driling on plastic. So don't worry about rusting.
nice car nice to see younger owners not that I am old at 42 but most owners seem older than I am. Again thanks
That's what this forum is for, helping each other out! Actually, I got more older ppl ask me about the car then younger ppl. But I sure can't afford two like you do. I wish I can get my gf a Prius, but she loves her Corolla. (no offense to corolla owners).
my wife and I always drive our cars to the junk and along the way we save for a new car. It takes time and if your gf's corolla is still good then start saving. My car that I replaced was a 91 ranger truck with 185000 miles and major rust. I bought it new and it served me well.
On the previous PriusChat site, which had a much larger and easier to access photo section, there was a picture of a Driftwood with painted mud flaps. The person had them custom painted at a Toyota body shop so the color was an exact match, and with flexible paint, like the bumpers. He only had the back painted since rocks and debris would be striking the side close to the wheels. It seemed odd looking to me, black on one side and Driftwood on the other. He also had the black plastic "skirts" in the back painted. I thought it made the rear of the car look bulgy. Black just sort of disappears.