Hi all, traded in our '08 gen II last night with 93k on the clock after spending months going back and forth with Dianne. I was very reluctant to take the plunge since my family grew an attachment to the gen ii (the only car we owned the longest time - almost 5 years.) Dianne got us in and out in 1 hour. It is a blizzard v. First thing's first. Window tinting tomorrow. I am thinking of going 35% front and 5% back. anyone have that? I think our gen ii had a 50% front, 15 or 10% rear. Our other car is 35% all around but we do not take that car on roadtrips. spending 6 hours on i-5 with the sun bearing down on a toddler can be quite irritating with a lighter tint. it's already a v5 so no other mods planned except all weather mats and led bulbs for the plates and interior.
Yay! I'm looking at one tomorrow, and may end up taking it home with me. Not quite as good a deal as Dianne, but at 1 mile from my office, slightly easier to get to. Is 35% legal in CA? I've never had a car tinted, but thought it had to be lighter than that...
yeah. didn't even plan on getting one last night but didn't regret it. the ride is definitely better than the gen ii. no tint is really legal for the front windows in CA. I used to live in the bay area with the gen ii and it had 50% up front with dark tint in the back and did not get bothered by the police. i did get pulled over once for jumping on the carpool lane and chp thought i was a single rider due to the back being dark and another instance using the cellphone. no mention of the tint. they can clearly see me through the window. I currently have 35% on another car. i am still visible inside. i would bet my money that if i had 5% on the front window I will get pulled over. but then having a tint that dark is just asking for it. still trying to decide if i should do 35% all around or go darker in the back.