I was wondering if anyone has compared these two. I test drove both the Fusion and the C tonight. I know they are in 2 different classes with one being a sedan and the other a compact. I was impressed with the smooth ride of the Fusion. But best mpg on the short test drive was 39. On the Prius it was 41 and that was with me Never having driven a Hybrid and getting on the gas pedal a couple of times to check how much acceleration I had. The new Fusions are rated at 47 mpg for both city and highway. Supposedly they are the only hybrid to be able to be in complete EV mode at 62 mph. I reallyike the smaller style of the Prius. And while the ride was different and not as smooth it wasnt bumpy at all. Road nois was about the same in each. Love the smaller turning radius and it has decent acceleration. My husband thinks I will have buyers remorse if I go with a smaller car as I have a lot of stuff in the car from time to time. I'm waiting on the dealer to get one of the new Cmax hybrids in and will test drive that as well. Was just wondering what your thoughts were.
Don't know Fusion or C, but there's a large difference in comfort between Prius and Camry, especially for long trips. But you give up the utility of the flat loading floor and cargo area in the Prius. May as well add other cars to your list, e.g., hybrid Camry, Prius v, Lexus CT (small like C, but much nicer car starting around 30K).
Well I think this may have just become a mute point. Ford just put out a second recall on them. They have only been out for 4 mos and already 2 recalls. So now I will wait to try the Cmax. And I will probably go find a Prius C 4 to test drive. The one I drove was a c2
Oh and we were looking at Ford specifically because husband can buy on D plan and still get the rebates.
Why would you want the c instead of a Liftback? Seems like a weird comparison. The GenIII with leather is a closer match to the Fusion and even then it falls short. The Fusion is a nice car. The latest recall was not for the hybrid model. Only the 1.6L equipped car.
The C and the Fusion are not in the same class of vehicle. Apples to apples comparo would Camry Hybrid and Fusion Hybrid. Even though EPA ratings are different, real world averages are very close.
this is a very odd thread. no offense to the o.p., but i don't understand what they are trying to accomplish.
F8L I was looking at the C for the price point and the rated mpg. JHINSC I know they aren't in the same class (even stated it in original post but those are the two cars I am looking at. So Bisco I'm not trying to "accomplish" anything. I was just wondering if anyone had considered the Fusion Hybrid when they wère shopping but ended up with the Prius C instead.
I understand. My point is that you are going from one extreme to another. I'd consider the Liftback model as an in-between option. You can get asset of leather seat covers for low cost to up the luxury feel so that you don't have to buy the model Four which will keep cost down closer to a c. With the rebates available on the PIP you could try and jump on a 2012.
First, I know we are on the C forum. Not trying to dis your cars. I'm just trying to pass along some information I've researched so far.... FWIW... I frequented the C-Max Forum Hybrid (Fuel Mileage - C-MAX Hybrid Owners, C-MAX Hybrid, C-MAX Hybrid Forum) for the last few weeks. Most of the C-Max drivers are getting 40 mpg or less. The general concensus if that most are disappointed with the mpg they are getting but that they love the power,confort,interior, and ride of the car. A few are ok with the tradeoff. As long as you are not looking at the C-max for it's advertised MPG of 47,but rather as a 40 mpg car that's fun to drive, you will like it. Also, as others have said, check out the regular Prius (Lift back). If your commute will be mostly on highways, the Lift back will likely deliver better mpg's overal. Look at Fuelly.com . Here's a link to Motor Trend's "Head to Head" Prius V vs C-Max Hybrid.
Unless you're looking at a C Two for under $20k, I would think the Liftback is a better choice if you need the cargo space. That being said, you can stuff a lot of things inside the Prius c with the seats folded as it does have a square back (unlike the Liftback's sloping rear window).
We know those are the two cars you're looking at, given your explanation as to why. I guess most of us wouldn't do the same, except for maybe out of curiosity. But it's puzzling to think you've narrowed your choices down to those two cars. Why not compare the regular Fusion to the Toyota Yaris? You will certainly have greater difference in real world mpg. They are the same extremes but again an unlikely comparo. I agree with your husband advice on buyer remorse, especially if it's a dramatic change from what you're currently driving. F8L had a great suggestion to look at something in between for size, but as good or better in mpg's as the C.
Bisco, you get the prize for the day! Husband has an aversion to the Prius, doesn't like the look of it, co-workers teasing him if he ends up with a Prius, etc. Even though he isn't the one that drives the car (rare occasions), he wants me to have a "good looking" car. My viewpoint is that I don't want a car that, excuse the expression, looks like a rich old persons car (I'm 41). The Fusion Hybrid is a beautiful car but I don't like the two level trunk. Current car is an XG 350, getting 24mpg at best, and everything that is in my trunk now, would have no problem fitting into the back cargo space of the C. I will sometimes have a couple of tables that I put in the car but would easily fit them in if seats were laid down. When I am going to ride the horse, I usually sit my saddle upright in the back seat so that isn't an issue either. We won't be taking long trips in it so luggage isn't an issue either. Jhinsc, here is how we arrived at these 2 cars. It started with a very good friend buying a C in October. She took me for a quick ride and was telling me what MPG they were getting. I never considered a hybrid before as husband has been in auto industy for 25 years and has seen the problems and he always said until warranties were better he wouldn't consider it. After doing some research on the warranties, they have gotten better. So husband says yes to Hybrid but doesn't like the Prius styling. Not to mention when he mentioned at his work (collision center for a huge dealership here)that I wanted a Prius, every guy working there started teasing him. So husband lines it up for me to test drive the Fusion Hybrid at the dealership as he can get d-plan discount and rebates. Thus the 2 cars I'm looking at. I have been reading the forums and watching the MPG people are reporting for both the Fusion and the Cmax. I know it is lower than advertised. I'm not ok with that but husband is since we are only getting 24 mpg currently. My thing is why wouldn't you want the most you can get for the best price.
So, is Camry also too much like your father's oldsmobile? And is low end Lexus CT out of your price range?
Totally new to this site and the forum, but had to reply because I JUST went through this decision process and bought the Fusion. I've had a 2007 Prius, which I then sold (moved to Brooklyn and didn't want a car there). Then I moved again and bought a used 2005 Prius, which I was still driving up until two weeks ago. My boyfriend couldn't drive the 2005 comfortably--he ended up driving with his legs bent uncomfortably and had back issues after as little as 30 minutes. With our commute that was a dealbreaker, so off we went car shopping. We tried the new regular Prius and the C--oddly the C had more legroom for him as a driver--the seat goes back a little further or something. So we eliminated the new Prius (the same cramped driving issue for him). At the time I wasn't considering larger cars. I opened the trunk on the C and was totally heartbroken. I mean, I knew it would be small, but wow, it's tiny. We went home to reconsider. He has the same issues with the Prius your husband does, I think. In his opinion the Prius styling is for hypocrites who want to advertise that they're tree-huggers while driving a gas vehicle. (His opinion, not mine. There were some animated discussions on early dates.) That said, he was willing to drive a new Prius (officially "my" car but the one we commute with 90% of the time) and learn to love it, and even urged me to at least test drive the C, but I just couldn't face dealing with a trunk that small. So we started looking at other cars. At this point it came down to the 2013 Fusion Hybrid and the Prius V. I didn't want a Camry because my folks have a Camry hybrid that I drive often and I just hate driving it--it feels very boatlike compared to the Prius. The V was great--I really loved it--and it felt more like a smaller car. You might want to drive it if you don't want the Camry and are considering the C and the Fusion, because it doesn't feel that huge when you're driving it. I realize that's totally subjective, but it was just a lot easier for me to drive than the Camry. And my Prius brand loyalty was tough to shake--I've only owned Toyotas, and I loved my Prius. But the Fusion was just SO nice. The boyfriend totally fell in love with the style. We got a lot of bells and whistles, including the auto-adjust for the two drivers (I'm REALLY short and he's REALLY tall, so that's useful), some of which weren't available in the Prius. I've found it easy to adjust to the size of the car--it is bigger than the V, and doesn't drive with the same "small car" feel, but it's not the adjustment I feared it would be and I don't feel like I'm driving a boat. It has a slightly unsexy sedan-like look to it to me, but the boyfriend and all his friends are absolutely in love with how it looks, and that's not as important to me. The comfort and functionality are insanely awesome. We have blind spot detection (helps reassure me as I drive the bigger car) and adaptive cruise control, voice navigation, etc.. A lot of that is just me being impressed by upgrading from a 2005 bare-bones car to a sexy new car, and a lot of it would be equally impressive in a new Prius, but still--it is very, very nice. I am nervous about the fuel economy. We haven't filled the car up twice yet, so I haven't gotten my first MPG calculation for a full tank where all the miles were us driving. The Fusion's calculation has us at about 40-41 MPG since we filled up, which, as a former Prius owner, I find downright disappointing. I regularly got between 43 and 48 in the 2005 Prius. But I did have a mixed trip yesterday (city/highway) where I got 46.9 MPG according to the Fusion. I'm interested to see whether my own calculation agrees with the car's estimate. I'm sorry this is so long, but I want to close with one final thought. The Fusion has TOTALLY converted my boyfriend to a hybrid driver. The hybrid coaching in the Fusion is much more aggressive than the coaching in the Prius was, and he has become obsessed with learning to take advantage of the hybrid engine. He loves the car, rather than grudgingly driving a hybrid. I'd love to take some credit for converting him to hybrid evangelism, but probably 90% of the credit belongs to the car.
i buy the car i want and my wife buys the car she wants. i wish you all the best trying to convince each other to drive the car you want them to drive.
Fits2at, you avoided the regular Prius because your husband doesn't like the looks and the teasing he would get, but the shorter, smaller Prius C is okay? But enough about that... There are other alternative; given your driving needs, the C-Max or Prius V would seem to be a better fit for your needs.
No jhinsc the Prius C is not any better. Bisco, we have always bought cars that way but for some reason, he thinks it should be different this time. As my husband, I will listen and discuss pros/cons of each vehicle and we will more than likely compromise (probably in the form of a C-max unless I change my mind on the fusion). Katyk - THANK YOU! Salesman for Ford or not, thank you for taking the time to reply. I would be most interested in what your mpg is once you have figured it out. I don't need all the bells and whistles and would be completely happy in a C2. For him, he says that he is older now and can afford a nice car and wants one, even though he isn't the primary driver. I mean even when we go somewhere in it, I usually drive. My whole thing is that I think most people look to hybrid for the extended fuel economy. Fusion and C-max hybrids are getting around 36-39 per MOST people talking about them. I can get that in a regular gas car with a lower price point that is just as nice as the top of the line Fusion we drove.