So someone hit my Prius in the parking lot when I was gone. The insurance will cover the 2300 dollar damage after my 500 deductible. My father in law referred me to a body shop he uses the owner said that if their is enough damage that they will be happy to pay the deductible. So I took my C in and came back a week later to a brand new car again. They did an amazing job and I didn't pay a cent! If you live in SoCal or close to Riverside and need work done call the shop @ (951) 823-0163 just tell him Andrew referred you.
That's the correct verbiage - the shop "paid" your deductible. Interchange the word "waived" or "rebated" or "saved" opens a can of worms insurance companies like to call "fraud". Did they replace your rear hatch or pound it out and repainted it? For $2,800 I would think/hope they did - same with the rear bumper cover.
They put on a brand new hatch, rear light, and bumper. Yeah the way the body shop took care of me was entirely legal. The insurance got paid, I don't pay a cent, and the body shop got my business
Did you ask the insurance company to pay you the difference in value you loose when your vehicle is damaged. When you sell or trade your vehicle in the dealer will make a deduction on the value due to your car being in an accident. Make sure you contact the insurance company and get compensated for the loss of value on due to the damage.
Google Diminished Value, check your insurance policy's conditions as well as your State laws. Diminished Value or "Accelerated Depreciation" is normally excluded under the automobile insurance contract (sounds like you went through your own Collision Coverages on an unidentified Hit & Run). But double check with your carrier, I believe Diminished Value is applicable in Georgia as well as marrying your 14-year old cousin. Different can of worms when you're a third-party claimant against the other guy's insurance but that's not the situation here I believe.
No Body Shop pays Deductibles. They just do that much less work. Like if your Insurance paid for things your Body shop took liberties and just did the minimum. Did they fix what your Insurance company paid to replace... If a Shop is Good they do not need to give work away to get Business. I know I ran Farmers Insurance Direct Repair Program (COD) and must have been in 300 - 500 shops in So Cal. Bottom line is you pay for what you get. Diminished Value or "Accelerated Depreciation" most Insurance Policies or contracts do not include this. However if you are making a claim under someone else their Liability coverage will cover this. It is usually 10 - 20 % of the Fair Market Value of the car.
Oh I'm sorry buddy I didn't know you had a chance to come out here to Riverside and check out my Prius when they completed the work. I saw the old bumper, light, and hatch back by the way. AND the insurance company came out and inspected it before I took it home.