I did a lot of research before upgrading my technology to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 ... And all I have to say is, WOW! Everything works like TOYOTA intended it to. All the Entune stuff works, quick and flawless (I also have the Prestige system). The App doesn't seem to bother the phone like all the other reviewers complained about ... The icing on the cake is when a text comes in and my little Prius chick reads it to me ... Love that! If you are thinking about upgrading to this model phone I highly recommend it. I have an ADV with T Mobile. Thanks, Blake E
Good to know, thanks. Does email work too? How you liking the big screen? I tried the Galaxy SIII and didn't like the bigger screen since I was use to my iPhone 4 at the time. I have an iPhone 5 and mine will read the text but I can't respond to them. I am able to use all the apps wirelessly via hotspot without any issues. The only thing I'm missing from what I can tell is the ability to respond to text and email doesn't work at all.
When this point was discussed a few months ago, it was stated that the Apple gods decreed that replying to text messages using Bluetooth is not desirable, and that this feature is specifically excluded from their implementation of the Bluetooth protocols. Things change, but it still is not supported in the current iOS version?
Android > iOS... seriously. It does work as intended, and it works great. Hooray! The problem however is conveying to the sheep that their beloved hardware and OS are limited even though marketed as being able to do everything. It will never happen until people start swapping. Rainking above is the only person I know of who went iOS -> droid -> iOS. And because the screen was too big? Oook. I know some that went droid -> iOS shortly -> droid. The Note is great. For me, to big to be a phone, to small to be a tablet. But it has a market. I will buy the next generation Galaxy Tab probably.
Can we please leave out the OS wars here? Also, anecdotal evidence is great, but market research done by various companies has shown time and time again that more people switch to iOS and stay there than the other way around. Rainking, you do know that you can use Siri to respond to the text? After it comes in you should just be able to say "reply to that text with...and then the message".
My only intention was to point out that it works on a platform that works. When the platform is flawed, the experience is flawed. And market share disagrees with your statement on OS's as does numerous world wide market studies. I will leave it at that. It is great that the system works for the OP. Great car!
I don't know what your intention was, but the only thing I got from your post was some generic ad hominem attacks directed at a group of people that you don't know personally which was entirely predictable and completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Irony much? I did not speak of market share, I spoke of customer satisfaction and switching behavior. The majority of the world is still on feature phones, if most of those people are switching to android due to cost, that is in no way a commentary on the supposed "superiority" of one OS vs. the other (whatever that even means).
my son was pointing out the note 2 on a commercial during the football game sunday. he's a tech geek and said that would be his next phone when his contract is up.
I did not want to wait for the Note 2 so I gave my iPhone 4 to my son and bought a Note. I am very happy as well as my son. Entune with a 7.1 system did not work much with my old iPhone. It also was a can of worms with my Note. I have yet to try the hotspot thing to see if my car likes that or not. Coming from a Jailbroken iPhone 4 to now owning a rooted BlackStar Note, I could never go back to an iPhone. Everyone has their reasons to own whatever they own and that is fine If we all owned the same things we may not have anything to discuss Diversity can be good. Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
It was more than just the screen was too big. What works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone else. I don't want to turn this into a iOS vs Android. Use the device/OS that works for you and I will do the same. I don't understand the hatred between both devices. Both are good in their own ways. Neither one is better. I'm sure most muscle car owners think the Prius is not a real car. For us, it has its purpose. The good thing is that we have choices.
Yes I do. I usually keep my phone in my pocket and the only way I know to initiate siri is by holding the home button down. I wish I could summon her from the steering wheel control.
Ditto. What's really lame is that with a regular Bluetooth headset, you can press and hold the function button to trigger Siri. But since pip is so smart that it's got its own voice control, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this. Now where's the outrage about Toyota's closed system and failure to fully implement basic Bluetooth protocols that are a decade old? Lol
I am neutral on the operating system discussion, as I had an HD2 windows phone. I wansn't sure about the size, so I figured I would try it out for thirty days and move to S3 if it was too big. The first week, I thought it was too big and that I would return it. Then, it was done, all other options seem too small. I'm addicted. I do not have a big hand, yet I can text with one hand and surf the Internet with one hand.
Hah, Did you miss the like 3 years the world had to put up with the anoying "Hi I'm Mac... and I'm PC" commercials? Back to the topic though... I'm on a rooted Galaxy SII, is it possible to just simply update the Bluetooth drivers so to speak on a GSII since if i recall thats the limiting factor? If i recall from prior threads some Rom's out there can give a GSII full functionality correct? Pictures in contacts, reading texts/emails, pictures on song play lists etc...