OK here's the deal, I was brousing with Google Earth earlier. I typed in where I work (MSP airport) and got a pretty clear picture. [attachmentid=1847] Now I decide to zoom into our parking lot (the area circled red), and lo and behold, there sits our salsa red beauty. [attachmentid=1848] Sadly the resolution in this area is not as high as it is elsewhere, knowing where I park everyday and ours is the only red car that parks there helps. Now how about this, let's see how many others can find their Prius. Zoom in on the places you frequent where you regularly park that's visible from the sky to see if you can find your pride and joy? Keep in mind, the satellite photos are only taken once every few months at the most. Based on the construction of runway 17/35 (north south approx.), the shots I posted would have been taken last summer June/July time frame.
no prius shows up in my area- heck, my townhouse building doesn't even show up yet!!! :lol: [attachmentid=1850]
Hey. I just googled my area and even though it's dark outside, I could see my street clearly. Google technology... can't beat it! LOL
I don't see my car, but I'm watching Will Smith and Gene Hackman run down my street. Wonder what those guys are up to again? Better send in the secret service to track them...... (This is my "next door neighbor's" place as I like to call him/it. His place is next to, and is about as big as, our whole neighborhood [attachmentid=1851] look closely and you can see Will and Gene running past the amphitheater)
The pictures of my place are at least three years old. A forest is shown that was cut down and a building built two years ago isn't visible.
Google Earth rocks! I don't have my Prius yet, but if I did, it'd be parked in the secured underground parking garage underneath our condo complex. You can see the pool/spa very clearly in this picture. [Broken External Image]:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v432/rancid13/3845condo.jpg And I zoomed out to see how the nearby Los Al Joint Forces Training Base looks from above...condo circled in red. [Broken External Image]:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v432/rancid13/3845jointtraining.jpg
WRT income taxes, you are probably right! (though I do know that his property results in the highest property tax in Atlanta)
Looks like the picture of where I work was taken on a weekend. Wait a sec. there's someone parked in "my" spot. I'll have to look into this
I get better resolution from http://local.live.com. I believe I've linked to the picture of my street. Pretty crazy.
Does anyplace have higher property taxes than Long Island? Average taxes in my area are $8,000 to $10,000
Yeah, no one out at the Playboy Mansion or Bill Gate's house though. Even have different views from North, East, South and West. Crazy.
well the resolution sucks in my neighborhood... nothing no where near as nice as some of the pix posted here... must be that fog again
I read that the high res .live.com pictures come from low-flying planes (2000-4000 feet) flying over a handful of major metro areas so far.
I see.... Bird's Eye Coverage We've got high-resolution Bird's Eye imagery for many areas across the United States. The following list shows some of the major metropolitan areas... New York City, NY San Francisco, CA Boston, MA Los Angeles, CA Washington, DC Seattle, WA Philadelphia, PA Las Vegas, NV Atlanta, GA Albuquerque, NM Indianapolis, IN Lexington, KY