While the Signature cars were doled out fairly slowly, there was clearly a decision made over the Thanksgiving weekend to start distributing cars as fast as possible. For those who have not followed the details very closely, there have been a number of Signature Model S's that were clearly delayed. A letter went out about at least 28 vehicles that were not right or there was some production problem that dramatically delayed delivery. But they kept putting out as many sigs as they could, but there was a definate slow down just before Thanksgiving and some increasing consternation from Signature reservation holders who had not gotten their cars yet. Then, starting Monday of this week, the online delivery scheduling for some of the R (Roadster Friends and Family) and P (General Production) reservation holders went live...including mine. And they started doing mass delivery on-site in Fremont. Turns out there were at least a few hundred general production vehicles that had been built and completed and were sitting on the lot awaiting delivery of the Signature vehicles, but they made the decision to proceed with general production vehicles even though a few (maybe a couple dozen?) Signatures had not yet gotten their cars. The apparent issue is 3 fold (speculated, but seems to be holding up): 1)Lack of carbon fiber interior and exterior trim, 2)Lack of Performance parts, 3)Lack of 21" turbine rims. Almost all deliveries scheduled this week have had none of those 3 items above...including mine. I was given a delivery window of Dec. 3-16 and VIN ending in 1067. Turns out the truck is delivering directly to my home instead of through a Service Center like many/most do. And my truck has 2 drivers sharing wheel time allowing them to make good time from Fremont to Nixa, MO. they're scheduled to arrive b/w 5p-6p tonight, I've asked if they can get here by 4 to accommodate an event I hoped to attend tonight. But no way in hell I'm delaying delivery for a Christmas party! I'll try to post up photos as soon as I get them. In the mean time here's a shot of my baby before she was wrapped and put on the delivery truck, still on the lot in Fremont. Evan's Tesla's first photo crop by efusco, on Flickr
Ugh, the delivery truck driver just called, can't make it here until tomorrow morning. I'll take delivery b/w 8-10am at my office. Shoot.
Envy is a sin I think. Coveting thy neighbor's Tesla too most likely. Tesla store at the mall had a Roadster and a cutaway showing the battery pack (the entire floor of the vehicle) and monster traction motors on the rear wheels. It was so simple. Can't wait for Model X. Supposed to be out in 2014 and I'll be up for new car in 2015. Best part about the Tesla, it is so good looking and so fast. It will become the ultimate automobile status symbol for quite some time and should really push the EV market. Tesla, SpaceX, SolarWorld, Elon Musk should get the Nobel Peace prize.
From bible-knowledge.com : "10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” As long as Evan isn't your neighbor you can covet his Model S. Evan, this is probably going to be one of the longest days in your life. I'm not going to say anything until it is sitting in your driveway. Hopefully Tesla's supply line problems are close to over.
See, Evan. You should have taken me up on my offer to deliver it to you. Fremont is very close to my house. I promised to not eat in the car either! You deserve this torture. Signed, Jealously
Well I think "neighbor" is meant in the broadest sense, kind of like "brother" to include every body everywhere with "donkey" being the stand in for Tesla Roadster. Cain and Able up next if he pulls up next to me at the underground parking garage.
Congratulations - it is an absolutely beautiful car and look forward to reading of your great experiences! Enjoy!
I'm happy for you Efusco. I just saw my Dentist last week, he has a Model S with the big battery and high performance option on order and expects to get it in February. I will get to see it at my next hygienist appointment in February which I have scheduled to end at the start of his lunch break so he can show it to me and maybe take me for a ride. He lives about 10 miles from the Mothership in Fremont so delivery should be easy.
Can't wait to hear about your experience with the Model S. You've been very patient Evan and it's finally here!
Hey all! Yes, my Model S was delivered at about 10:30 this morning at my office. I drove it across the street then had to wait until lunch to drive it again (damn work!). Took some coworkers to lunch, ran home, let my wife drive it and check it out, drove the kids around, ran my wife to town, home again and now the car is sitting and soaking up a well deserved charge at 40 amps! In short, it's amazing, it's fast, it's beautify and refined. It's all I'd hoped for and just a wonderful machine any way you look at it. I found it more intuitive than the Prius to set up, Bluetooth was a piece of cake and all my iPhone contacts automatically uploaded. The latest software version (4.0) apparently installed during transport b/c it hadn't been rolled out yet prior to the car being loaded on the truck. She had 29 miles on the ODO, ~162 miles of range on the battery and was still wrapped up and a bit dirty with factory markings on the windsheild and such. Typically the delivery specialist has it washed and prepped, but mine was drop shipped to get it to me as fast as possible and my DS is coming on Wed. Already getting a lot of attention, I wasn't 1/4mile from my office when a Mercedes slowed and stayed back from a stop light to take a look. I didn't have time to shoot as many photos as I wanted, but here are the ones I did manage from today: Delivery Day! - a set on Flickr
The pictures are awesome! My entire family all lives in your area (Spfld./Nixa/Branson)....I will probably hear from one of them they saw a really cool car called a Telsa driving around.....enjoy!!
Oooh doggie, that is a fine looking car!! A lot of jaws are going to be dropping around your town. Big congratulations!