I called Maguire's in Ithaca, they no longer have the 25k price , I've called all around the east coast and best I can get is 27,824 for blizzard pearl base model after 4000 TFS and dealer discounts. $4000 ends 12/3, guess I'll pull the trigger if the incentives hold in december
Hi Douglas, I used to live in Glenview, just north of Chicago. I am in Boston now and I can say there are at least 2 dealerships here willing to sell $26,500 or better. I am waiting to see what deals December will bring.
Guess I'm not getting any work done tomorrow if the 4000 TFS incentive holds. If you don't mind posting after you make your decision it would be appreciated! Looks like there are quite a few dealers in the area.
Boch currently has it for $25,988 - Toyota Hybrid Advertised Specials | Boch Toyota Norwood, MA IRA currently has it for $26,565 - I got this from their internet sales team Obviously, these price may change after Dec. 3rd. Hope this helps.
I walked in with 800+ credit score so i doubt the credit score was the deal maker/breaker here, especially with the 0% financing from TFS. But regardless, like you said, the second they think you need the car, your leverage is out the door. But i think the balance is to make it seem like you are a serious buyer but aren't desperate. I just got quotes from all the local dealers and it seemed that they were all relatively the same price and wouldn't budge (31,800 at the time). Maybe my poker face needs work and they just read that I was anxious to get the car before the rebate expired and they banked on other dealers not willing to match. You just pulled off a smoking deal. If i read about it earlier I would have paid you to negotiate for me! I just try and tell myself, that someone else somewhere will always get a better deal, so just be happy that you got a good deal. (other than the guy in west virginia that got a net price of about $15,000, I'll just quietly sulk about his price. I would have bought one for me, my wife, and my 2 year old ) Side note, my dealer in NJ just called and said the $4000 and 0% are back again in the east coast till the end of the month for those still looking. Good luck everyone, my car is arriving Friday/Saturday after being picked up on Monday.
Purchase Price: $37,650 (includes $500 rebate) Invoice if known: $38,885 Sticker: $40,577 Model: Advanced Purchased: N CA dealer[Edit] Removing dealers name. If you need the info, send me a PM. Additional incentives: [Edit] Removed label on cash back as this may or may not be subvention from TFS Purchase Price Includes cash back of $500.00 Standard Fed/CA tax credit/rebates of 2500 and 1500.
UMMMMM what? The standard federal rebate is $2500, not $7500. I hope the dealer didn't mislead you about this. Either way, congratulations on your pip! EDIT: you have the somewhat dubious honor of buying the highest-priced PiP on our spreadsheet. lol…
I think I'm the only one to post a purchase price for a CA purchase of an advanced model. I can't finance so can't get the TFS cash back from east coast dealers.
I'm confused, didn't you say you got the subvention cash of $500? What's allowing you to finance in CA that would stop you from financing in NY?
It appears Toyota has dropped the incentive to $3500.00 From Boch Toyota website: 2012 Prius Plug-in (Model 1235) 0% for 36 Months 0% for 48 Months 0% for 60 Months AND $3500 TFS Retail Subvention Cash OR Special Lease Rates for 24/36 Months AND $3500 TFS Lease Subvention Cash Offer Expires On 1/7/2013
Ulp. Darn good question. I am not sure :-( It went like this ... I talked to 3 dealers here that said they could give me $500 off even though I'm not financing. I talked to a few folks back east (Maryland, NJ?, Boston) that said they could not match the cash only price. When I arrived in financing things looked a bit fishy - I think they basically "financed" on paper with one payment. If that's correct I hope I don't have any problems as a result.
Yep, the price went up to $26,888, almost grand more than last week. Bummer. I was hoping it would go down, not up. Now I am leaning towards a Camry Hybrid.
No. Selling price was 39,300. Then take 4K TFS subvention cash leaves me a net of $35,300. I paid WI sales tax of 5.5% of $$24,300 (WI reduces sales tax the amount of your trade in). The $1667 would be added back to the $35,300. So Total with WI tax was $36,967. But I paid the tax in WI not NY where I bought the car.
What was your out the door price? You mention 37,600 but does this include your taxes too? This board REALLY needs to set a standard on what purchase price means. I mean using prospective tax refunds etc to artificially reduce the price paid as listed on the spread sheet is not fair to us Californians. The "how much did I pay for my prius" should be the purchase price as listed on our contracts. Not -7500,-2500 etc etc. so if everyone can tell us what the OTD price was from the dealership then we can all compare apples to apples! Peace to you all!