Had the recall work carried out today, new coolant pump and steering shaft fitted. The dealer kept the car from 9.30 am till 3.30 pm and a free loan car was supplied (Toyota Agyo). When I collected the car after completion of the work it had been valeted inside and out and a complete safety check carried out, "tyre tread depth, brake pad thickness, and lights along with all fluid levels". A light suspension knock on the passengers side (drivers side US) has gone although I would not have thought this was caused by the steering shaft. I am very happy with the work carried out, all free of charge and on time.The work was done by Westlands Toyota of Hereford and for those in the UK would recommend them. John (Britprius)
Did you wait for a letter or did you just give them a call? I got a auris hybrid last time the did a service, fingers crossed for a GT next time
I just called them expecting them to say to wait for a letter or they would add me to a list and call me in the new year, but they just took my reg number and from that checked the "VIN". Then floored me by saying would you like to bring it in next week and have a courtesy car (they offered me the a GT but my golf trolley would not fit in the back), or would you like us to collect the car? " I live out in the wilds 30miles from the nearest dealer (60 mile round trip) . Westlands were very efficient and friendly and handled everything in a professional manner. May I ask what area are you in and who does your services?
WKB in Chichester. I have not had many dealing with them...yet. just a service and fixed a Bluetooth issue so far.
sounds like y'all get better service. i called my dealer and they said both my cars were on the steering shaft recall, but they had no parts yet, so i should just wait for the letters.
thanks for the write up bp, i hope things go as smoothly here, altho i don't expect loaner, valet or safety check. and collecting the car will not happen.
Welcome to PC. Let us know how thing go and what sort of service you get. Are they giving you a courtesy car while the work is carried out.
I shall do, I phoned this morning after checking on the website about any outstanding recall work. I didn't ask for a courtesy car as I work 3 mins down the road, so a car doesn't matter. Although the did offer free WiFi and standard tea and coffee, the said the work should only take 45 mins
That's very fast work if they are replacing the steering shaft. I was told about 2hrs for each item, they may be checking yours to see if it needs the shaft. The pump could be changed in 45mins but that is quick work, they must have taken longer than that valeting my car inside and out even the MFD had all the finger prints removed from the screen.
How long are these recalls good for? I plugged my VIN into toyota's website and both these items are in recall for my 08 prius. I currently have 60k miles on it and would prefer to get to 100k miles before i bother with these items. So will these still be available to be done two years from now or is there a time frame in which it must be performed?
I do not know as I have not had any official notification from Toyota about the recall. I just rang my dealer and they arranged for me to take the car in for the work to be carried out.
Dropped my car off this morning and just got a call. Apparently there are two possible fixes for the steering problem, one requires a new bolt or something similar and the other needs a new part. Mine needs a new part so won't be available until tomorrow as they don't keep it in stock. Glad I got a curtsey car! shame its a yaris!
I had thought by buying the last year of the model I could avoid recalls with the hope that bugs would have been found and fixed in earlier years. I was wrong. Sigh.
Well I'm now on day 2 without my car. Apparently they are having a few problems with the part and now need to replace something else it connects too as they think they may have damaged it while trying to change the other part. Glad I'm not paying for this!
I vaguely recall reading something about a recall a week back that only affected USA cars, but this isn't it, is it? So am I affected in the Netherlands? Edit, just googled and supposedly we are affected and we get a new waterpump. But haven't heard from Toyota... Not sure they 'know' me, as I haven't had it serviced yet (waiting for the mandatory MOT which is free with a service, and costs ~50$ otherwise)