Long before all this ineffable climate stuff environmental issues were site-specific and they were about deforestation, fishery depletion, water pollution, loss of charismatic megafauna, urban sprawl, toxic waste... But then the savior "global warming" showed up as a successful distraction. Like TV, the issue is reduced to some kind of bizarre mental circus that distract people from having to do anything about it... As in the very real need of planting trees and protecting and restoring ecosystems... As in our planet is a living system with enormous carbon sequestration capacity. If we all started regrowing that capacity at a rapid pace, we'd get rapid results. It'll take everyone of us too! There's huge amounts land that have been stripped clean of all their value and need to be restored in a lasting way...
So far, it appears that Norway is spending the most real money in this way. Something like $USD 20 billions to limit tropical forest degradation and replanting cleared areas. I'm very happy they're doing it. It gives scientists (not myself among them, but one could google Greg Asner for example) the chance to see whether the benefit is (a) detectable (b) how big. If nobody were to get started, we could not work out the cost/benefit.
OK thanks...well Burt lost me a little when he seemed to be suggesting the CFC-created ozone hole was a hoax or not true. I am not quite sure what he was saying but I've never heard that CFC's issue was somehow false.
Poor Burt...he seems to have gone off the deep end like crazy Mcafee in the Belize jungle. You know it's a non-science polemic when he describes DDT usage as a "Modern Human Extinction Scare". Lots of actual science here. IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change