long story short, there was a small fire in my home. the keyfob (remote/key) casing/plastic melted a little bit. the remote still works. unlocks the car fine. but the casing its burnt and melted. the problem is, our prius is leased and we'll most likely return it back when the lease is up this coming may 2013. i assume all the electronics are okay in the remote. anyone ever replace theirs, without having to go to the dealership and having to pay an outstanding price. any helps or thoughts?
It may help others to give you a better idea/suggestion if you post a picture. Can you still remove the casing to do either of the following? Take the emergency key out of it's slot, or remove the external casing to expose the fob's battery, etc... What do others think, just buy the cheapest used fob possible on ebay, etc...and then use it's external casing to replace the burnt/melted one?
My suggestion is to claim the fob on your insurance. If it was damaged by fire your insurance should cover it. If you don't have insurance you are SOL. Tom
I bought a guaranteed fob on e-bay for $88. There were cheaper ones but the guarantee was important to me. The fob came with an uncut key. I had a mobile locksmith come to the house and do a complete ECU reprogram for both fobs for and cut the additional key for $100.00. The total was 1/2 the price of the dealership.