After an accident with airbags go off this switch is opened to stop electricity I think. I need to reset it hwo do I do that? Where is it? The service plug is good and correctly installed is there something else? Thanks for the help. The car starts for 15 seconds then shuts down because of this.
P3190 is the general error code for poor engine performance. Ref Is there another error code in your car? Are you using TechStream which can read error codes from all the Electronic Controll Units (ECU), or are you just reading off the main OBD2 with a standard error code reader?
Im reading from a $200 obd2 reader and it says p3190 is for a hv interconnect switch. I checked the ohms on the switch and there is no continuity. So it thinks the service plug is not installed correctly. I read that in an accident the car switches off the power via a switch. I dont know where that is? I need some help on this one.
As Chazz8 stated above P3190 has nothing to do with the interconnect switch according to the Toyota documentation. A generic OBDII reader cannot read Prius specific diagnostic trouble codes. You are asking for help and then not listening to those trying to help.
No now I understand. Its an engine poor performance code. I have been starting it with an elbow off the egr valve. Waiting on new part to connect the egr valve to the intake. I hope thats the issue because everything else looks good. Thanks for the help