My dealer is offering to swap my OEM tires for a set of new Dunlop SP A2's they have on hand at no charge to me. Is this a good deal or should I keep my GY Integrities? I've been digging around on the web, and the reviews I've been able to find for this particular Dunlop tire have been rather mixed. Has anyone here used Dunlop SP A2s on their Prius? I'm picking up the car tomorrow afternoon, and I'll have to call the dealer in the morning to confirm or cancel the switch. Thanks for any advice! --Bonny G.
If they are doing it for free, then get them. They are not a bad tire. I once had them on my Audi A4. Check on tirerack for opinions.
I'd take the Dunlop Sport A2's. I had them on my Camry and liked the way they handled and performed. Only downside of the Sport A2's is that they don't last very long - about 20-25k miles. You will probably be safer driving with the Sport A2's. I've never had the Integritys, but from everything I've read about them, there is no upside to using them. I did a swap with my dealer when I got my Prius last week. I paid $200 to have Michelin Harmony's put on and the dealer kept the Integritys.
Agree on the SP A2's. I had them on my Camry as well, they went about 18,000 miles before they were worn out. They were an awesome tire in every regard except for the wear factor. I think 30,000 miles is impossible out of these tires. I now run Michelin on all 3 cars; I run the Hydroedge on the Camry and the Prius. On the downside, they are noisier than the Dunlop, but they are Warrantied to last for 90,000 miles. Nate
If you are into "performance" and spending time thinking about tires in any way other than how little can I spend them on go ahead and make the switch. If you don't like to spend time or money on tires go with OEM and when they wear out get the cheapest tires you can get at Pep Boys. Ignore tire life ratings. I had a 70,000 mile tire that barely lasted 30,000 and the warranty is prorated, does not cover labor, and has some inane maintence requirments (a first tire rotation after 500 miles and 5,000 thereafter) making it essentially worhtless. If you live in some extreme weather location go with what works there but for most situations the OEMs are fine.
My previous quad of Sport A2s lasted 65K+ on my Civic which I drove medium hard. The 2nd pair isn't worn out yet due to the Prius but I've put at least 10K on them. Definitely better than the Firestone SH30s (70K+), or the OEM Firestone FR680s(60K+). Sport A2s are quiet, predictable, all the way down to the wear bars. They would sure be better than the Integrities although the Integrities are solid tires for most non-demanding situations. I'm pondering Sport A2s or Yohohama AVIDs X4s now that the Integrities are wearing out after 28K miles. Never had a quad of tires that wear out before 60K on me before. Maybe it's the torque from the motors, or the Prius's weight.
Thanks for your input everybody! Decided to go for it with the Dunlops. When these wear out, I'll probably put on a set of TripleTreds or Hydroedges. By the way, I picked up the car tonight and have been pouring over the manual to learn about all its bells and whistles. Still can't believe it's sitting in my garage!! --Bonny G. (delighted new owner)
How is the mpg since you put on the Harmony's...increase/decrease/same? I had them on my Camry and loved them. Thank you!
I'm getting about 44 mpg during a DC winter. I never drove the car with the Integritys since I had the dealer install them before I took delivery of the Prius.
Thanks "offersk" appreciate the info I'm near Chicago. Has anybody heard of all weather tires that actually cause the Prius' to get better mpg? or is it just increasing the tire pressure that helps and is there an ideal number for front and back for best mpg? Thanks!!!