Hey folks! Has anyone measured the rear storage capacity with the seats down? I just bought a 50" TV and now I'm not sure it's going to fit in my car!!! My plan is to pick it up tonight after I get out of the office. Any help is appreciated.. Experiences, measurements.. Anything at all!
The C is smaller than the liftback, but I can guess it will be no problem. I have moved a 55" LED with no problems in the liftback. Just put the seats down and it slides in. I have also moved a full sized new in box (padding and all) bathtub, almost a ton of slate tile, all wood to build a deck including 10ft beams, 4 full size solar panels, a fullsize 7cuft chest freezer, and lots more. All moved with the hatch fully and completely closed. I see absolutely no reason for a truck. There is nothing a city-dwelling truck can do that I cannot do with my Prius. And for the times I need a real truck, I rent a uHaul. Last time was to move 2 full size 42U server racks that were too wide to go in the back. But they also did not fit in a pickup.
Considering how C is so much smaller than my previous car, you just made me realize I should carry a take measure in the C at all times.
Thanks.. This gives me hope. Last time I transported a TV, it was in the backseat of a Saturn and I had to take it out of the dang box. I'm hoping with the hatch and folding seats it should slide right in the c...
Well how about this: I recently bought a 50" TV and brought it home in my c! Had to lay it down flat with the back seats down, but it worked fine.
Length: 130-140 cm (51-55 in) Width: 100 cm (39 in) Height: 72cm (28 in) Length is a bit vague because it depends where the front seats are. Width is between the rear wheel arch housings. Height is what I perceived to be the minimum distance between the folded seat back and the ceiling (with no moon roof) These are rough measurements on my Australian c i-Tech - I would advise people to measure their own to confirm, especially for anything anywhere near the above measurements - and remember different shapes may fit differently.
Update! Pulled into Best Buy last night.. Laid down the seats, stored the seat belts. Removed the flap/tray thing in the back. The guy takes one look at my (open) car and says, "oh no problem. It'll fit." And in it went. Slid right in. It's like the car was made to haul this thing. Pretty much a perfect fit, no sliding around. The actual hard part of the entire task was removing the 50" TV in the giant box and getting it to my front door, up the porch stairs, and inside, all by myself..! I'm 5'5" and weigh about 120. That was an experience!! But the TV fit fine, and works great! I'm stoked. Thanks for the help everyone!!
================================================================= Good for you ! You're my kind of woman. BTW: What is "the flap/tray thing in the back" ? Could it be the "Cargo cover" ? It reminds me qf the time I asked a number of women; "Where is a woman's "yet" ? I was in trouble until I explained that I read the newspaper headline; "A man shot his wife and the bullet's in her yet" Donald lafavor
Yes! The cargo cover. I wanted to call it a cargo tray, but that wasn't right. Should have seen me, walking the TV across the front yard. It was an endeavor. But worth it.
I think that C owners are very adaptable people, and proud to show that they can live happily with a relatively simple car that they really enjoy while having a much less adverse impact on our environment.
I'm just glad the C doesn't look like a 'traditional' Prius. I don't want to be one of those people. I just want to cut my fuel COSTS and am not convinced the hybrids are any better or any worse for the environment. That said, after hauling a 50" tv in my Scion xB, I was surprised the OP was able to carry hers. Glad it fit.
One of those people, eh? Those people being Prius owners? Because I'm afraid, by the mere act of owning a Prius, you are one.
Yes I Am. But I'm not one who's bought into the envirohype. I drive 1,100 miles per week. That's the only reason I drive one.
I PUT A 60 INCH DESK IN MY C. Sorry lol. About 2 feet wide 60 inches deep hung out the back a little but other than that it was fine. I think a 55 inch will fit no problem
Yes absolutely! You can fit more in there than you can think. I don't normally carry stuff like that in my car. First time I ever hauled anything like that no problem and still got 50 MPG lugging that thing 30 + miles lol
Thats nothing, I pretty regularly put my son (19months) in his car seat, my dog and the jogging stroller in the back of BOOM. All safe, sound and comfortable OH and the way I have a Great Dane.
Don't forget the Christmas trees. I carried three 6-ft noble firs in the C. Just watch out for the sticky sap.