This is a link to a very quick and easy Prius Survey. I will publish the results for everyone to see. Prius Survey
Of the nine reasons I thought I had for buying a Prius*, you almost capture one. You leave out all the important ones! My wife wanted one. My gear fit. I fit. It pollutes less than any other internal combustion car. (this is close to one of your choices) If I use less gas, we run out later. It is quiet. It has an automatic transmission, my wife hated my manual transmission. She went through 2 clutches. Previous Toyotas were reliable. I did not need AWD in my new home. 2010 Prius School Project! | PriusChat * The reasons you buy a car are not nessisarily the reasons you like the car you bought. The electronic gadgets, for example, were nowhere in my buying agenda, but I like them a lot.
Need a option: Because Prius is a cool looking car. That is why I spec'd mine the way it is as it looks freakin awesome Serious Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
Actually this survey could be interesting to compare to some other surveys showing that only minority of hybrid owners buy next hybrid car, and used to argument how hybrids are bad since even hybrid owners don't like another one.
Done. But in order for this to be a representative survey you're going to need to get responses from individuals outside of this extremely biased forum
See this thread for statistical evidence very much to the contrary - the annual "Would you buy your car again?" survey by Consumer Reports. The relevant size/type categories were topped by the Volt, every model of Prius plus the HyCam, and the Leaf. Percentages ranged from 83% for the Prius V up to 92% for the Volt, with the five other hybrid/EV cars in between.
70 People took the survey so far. The Results. If you like it hit the Like Button at the bottom. 1) Why did you purchase a Prius? Save $ of Fuel 72.9% Save the Planet 14.3% Political Statement 4.3% All of the above 18.6% None of the above 5.7% 2) How do you feel about your Prius Ownership? Approve the Decision 98.6% Regret the Decision 1.4% 3) Do your passengers approve the Prius? Yes 84.3 % No 1.4% Not Sure 14.3% 4) Will your next car be a Hybrid or EV? Yes 78.6% No 1.4% Not Sure 20%
Do realize you can use PriusChat to run your own poll? Granted, the polling options in PriusChat could be a little better (aka., more than 10 questions.) Bob Wilson
Crap. Another Prius Poll that I can't participate in. One of these days I'm going to actually have to become a Prius owner instead of just a Prius driver.
I drove rental Prii from mid 2009 thru winter 11/12 then bought one spring 2012. Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
^ My company car (call sign "Goofy") was deposited into my parking lot a little over two years ago and with the exception of some flight training for folks in another office, and semi-occasional maintenance by "Three Guys and a Hammer, inc." it's been pretty much my baby for almost 40k miles. Oh yeah....speaking of which.....NEVER buy a former fleet vehicle. Anyway when I went on vacation for Thanksgiving I conveniently "forgot" to leave the key fobby thingy in the office for fear that some butthead (meaning: smoker) might "borrow" the car while I was gone. I'm that attached to my work car. I bathe it semi-regularly, and keep most of the geedunk wrappers out of it, and sometimes I'll even run a vacuum cleaner through the inside. So. I consider myself to be about as knowledgeable as your average Prius driver with about 1000 hours (40,000 miles) of time in type. My friends and family consider me to be a (*gasp!*) Prius driver and despite the fact that I'm deeply embarrassed by the stereotypical "Prius Prude" I do find myself defending the flag against purely ignorant or hateful attacks by people who really aren't that swift about hybrids or EV's.....or... not all that swift about much of anything. Having said AAAALLLLLL of that, I still do not consider myself to be a Prius OWNER since I don't have 30,000 reasons (at $1.00 each) to think that this car is any better or worse than it really is. I've been tempted twice to put one in my driveway: 2010 when I got a hard quote for $19,999.99 - otd for a G3-II, and once again when the trial-sized model came out. If the G3 had more than a 0-lb tow rating, or if the C-model had the adult-sized power plant, instead of just the larger car's price tag, or if the Pip had the Volt's would probably be in my driveway right now. Maybe. Someday.....