After much investigating, my wife and I seem to notice the color of Seaside Pearl / Blue change as lighting conditions (and the mood of the driver) changes? Purely vanity, but what color is this thing? I (a male) will be driving the car mostly, and it appears the most refreshing of the official palatte colors seen. We don't want it to be an "immature, got something to prove" blue though, which it does not seem to be under most lighting conditions. Thanks!
I liked the color until I saw it in a certain light and it looked more purple than blue and that was a turn off for me.
I don't notice the purple look, but it does appear a little darker on cloudier days. That darker look coupled with the tinted windows makes it really nice looking. As for the only gender difference that I've noticed, females tend to comment on the color much more than males (don't know if that is true for all colors in general though). The first 2 females that saw the car used the eerily same description of the color: periwinkle.
I think it is a very pleasant color. Not a "look at me" sort of color. It looks blue-gray sometimes and other times darker and other times bluer and lighter, rarely purple. I have been complimented by men and women equally about the color of the car. It also looks decent when it is dirty.
I guess parking in the back 40 at work limits the compliments on looks. Plus I only wash it when it's really dirty and didn't follow-up on that ToyoGard stuff I was supposed to use every 6 months. If I ever get wealthy, I'll have my garage-person polish my cars better...
It is clearly NOT periwinkle. My daughter did the color coordinated boots, snow pants, jacket, gloves thing in periwinkle last year so I do have a clue what the color looks like Seaside is darker, and like the Tideland appears darker on cloudy days, brighter on sunny days. Doesn't look so good in road salt. Still it was my first choice and I settled for Driftwood. It doesn't suffer as much visually in road salt but is no where near as striking when clean and in the sun. My wife has Barcelona or Seaside as her first choices.
It only looks "very" blue to me in direct sun. In darker conditions, it seems to have a very slightly greenish tinge. Like most Toyota colors, it seems MUCH more "alive" in direct sun, MUCH more "nondescript" in shade. Maybe this is true of all metallics (compared to enamels). Sometimes I think Toyota mixes its paints to cause us to torture ourselves with debate.
Before the Prius, my cars were blue, grey and silver (called Ice Crystal Blue). Blue is my favorite color, so that's what I went with.
My son and I picked the Seaside Pearl. My wife is neutral. I think its deep sky blue in the full sun and blue sky, and more steel blue in the shade and at night. My neighbor (male) is blue-green color blind and likes the Seaside.....not sure what that means! :blink: Does his vote count? As usual, your color perception may vary. BTW, I voted "What are doing up at 2:51am........"