Fuzzy & Prox Without facts, cites or evidence neither of you are making a credible or believable counter point. Prox your continued use of a exaggerated false narrative about gun owning Prius drivers not only reveals the weakness of your arguments but weakens your credibility. Thank goodness for the anonymity of the Internet, eh?
I quoted and linked to Hybridcars.com article that noted the marketing results for study on hybrid drivers demographics. Profile of Hybrid Drivers | Hybrid Cars Was that exaggerated or false? I quoted and linked to a thread on PrisusChat.com that referenced data on hybrid ownership percentages by state. Was that exaggerated for false? Profile of Hybrid Drivers | Hybrid Cars You seem to object to the data on the grounds it contradicts your beliefs.
BTW: Gun-related violent crimes drop as sales soar in Va. - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Central Virginia Meanwhile in Chicago the homeland of Obama . . . Concealed carry foes want Illinois to maintain status quo - chicagotribune.com Girl, 15, fatally shot: 'This is somebody's child killing another child' Cops: Gang member killed, another seriously wounded at funeral Man shot while driving two sons on Northwest Side Man killed on West Side Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/11/less_guns_more_crime_1.html#ixzz2DYd1kgxt
How 'bought we round up all the anti gun lovers and move them to South Chicago North Minneapolis would be another great neighbor hood to move them to. Mike Mobile on my Asus
How about Oakland? According to the Anti's, guns only cause crime, not prevent it, they should be right at home. Phil Matier: Oakland Crime Rate Soaring As City Loses Officers « CBS San Francisco
So your claims of exaggeration are exaggerated. Your complaint here is with data that contradicts your views. As for laundry list of grievances, since you are referring to conversations in other threads, probably best to make your comments there.
There is no spoon. Maybe you can't see your own messages but you posted a long list of quotes, often called a "laundry list", from other threads. Best to reply to them in context on those threads. Just glad to see you admitted that the marketing demographics on hybrid owners posted and linked and the state hybrid percentages were accurate and not "exaggerated" as you complained. They are simply hard data that contradicted your views. You'll have to live with them.
What do spoons have to do with it? IIRC that entire list is from this thread. I never admitted to anything, another exaggerated false narrative. As I said those stats are almost seven years old. The methodology as well as data set is unavailable, ergo useless . . .
I do lots of night driving. While I've driven for years and never had an occasion to need a gun my son and several others I know have. If you break down you are very vulnerable but even sitting at a red light a crack head can approach you or some road rage person. Talking and smiling may not be enough. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
Yes the gun totin road ragers need protection from the gun totin road ragers...themselves...kind of self fulfilling prophesy psych problem.
I know everyone is rightfully afraid of guns in the hands of the wrong person. Who wouldn't be except another criminal? The chl certification is a noble attempt to make sure handlers first have a clean record "that alone goes a long way because lots if folks don't", and Secondly are trained to handle it safely and thirdly are able to hit what they shoot at rather than something unintended. Fourthly, proper places to carry verses not. It's a good thing. Do we really want only the bad guys to have guns? Detroit was in the news today because of their financial crisis... Largely due to do many moving out because of crime... That's a non carry area. Places with the least Crime are those areas where criminals never know who else is carrying... Make them think twice. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
It guns in hands of anyone that has proven to be the danger. Gun "crime" is typically by gun owners or someone in gun owner's home who shoots family member or acquaintance due to accident, alcohol or anger. One only need look at people scared out of their minds with imagined fears that the build quick draw holsters into their car seats. It is easy to see how people so detached from reality and driven by exaggerated fear would have distorted views of events and be prone to gun violence.
Congress just voted to give former Presidents and their wives lifetime Secret Service protection. Seems a bit expensive to me especially in this economy. If they stayed in D.C. or moved to Chicago, both cities have banned guns, they would be perfectly safe.
Problem is the unlicensed drunk rednecks give everyone else A bad name! But that's a problem with driving a car too as its a 3000+ lb weapon in the wrong hands... You just don't take all Cars away, you train and license them and hope for the best. Figure out a way to fix it where criminals don't have guns, then I'll give mine up... At this point I'm not yet freaked out about the government being my threat... But that's looking worse too. It's hard to be on an equal playing field when the bad guy has a gun. All gun control has ever done is remove threats from the bad guys do they can do as they will without fear..... They know they can storm your house and do as they please if you have no guns.... Cops are a non existent fear if they are not present when the event is occurring. Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2
I forget who it was, but some senator who voted against guns a couple years ago caught flak when his house was stormed and he used one to To protect his family. Funny, people don't want other people to have guns... Only themselves,! But cities that have banned gins have the highest crimes...Not the lowest. In Chicago people don't even want to live there due to no defense against the gangs and vigilantes..... Why do they still have guns? Now people are defenseless as the police are overwhelmed and don't want to draw their weapon anyway for fear of being sued and losing their job. We have the same issue in the military... People who live in safe neighborhoods and who have been sheltered all their lives are allowed to vote laws into bring concerning those who are not protected and who live in danger everyday.? That's not right? Alan... The second mouse gets the cheese! galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 2